His apology video... unmitigated schadenfreude.
His apology video... unmitigated schadenfreude.
Did this already. We rarely get people at the door but it was something that was on my mind for awhile. Also Lysoled a few common area knobs as well.
This stupefies me... in a gut wrenching, dry heave way. This does not move comedy forward. He’s obnoxious and exploitative. He falls in the category of grown ass men that think social media pranks and social experiment hi-jinks are a path to success and should also get the crap thrashed out of them, AND THEIR CAMERAMAN…
“People started staring at me, but I just assumed everyone recognized me because of my OnlyFans.”
When you have a father as disgusting as Donald, it doesn’t take much to do better in life. But Junior, Eric and Ivanka consistently keep the bar low.
I played Plague Inc years ago. It was pretty engaging for awhile. I would definitely play it again, especially if it was multiplayer and/or available in VR. Follow that up with a few rounds of Arizona Sunshine and you got a party!
I played Plague Inc years ago. It was pretty engaging for awhile. I would definitely play it again, especially if…
Rather than throw them out, think about getting a small compost container. We should all take this time to develop more sustainable habits.
He is one giant erectile dysfunction.
It is appropriate to have the confederate flag as a mask over his germy mouth covering up his bad breath from all the crap spewed. I can only hope his adult nappies are similarly wrapped.
It’s cute that the incels are responding,yet they stay in the greys. First, they should have responded to the writer. Second, dumb assery is it’s own reward, so no need to address their comments. They should remain unrecognized like they do IRL. Bless their hearts.
Women Are Keeping America Running... Again.
Yes. This one! Thank you.
Wow, your response was, pointless.
Did you make it to the end? Here ya go...
“I don’t really feel that intense about it.”
Short answer, NO!
All of a sudden he’s an invalid with more pre-existing conditions than a meth head grandma. Teen asthma? Yeah right. Jail house heart issues? That’s the fear the privileged realize when they are locked up with real criminals. And that ““extreme” scale on the allergy spectrum” is him not liking the…
Keep Paying Your Gym Membership, If You Can
Flawed reasoning in almost every sentence. He KNEW he might be a carrier. If a regular person knows they may be sick, it would be responsible to spend time away from people until they know for sure. This is a high level government official we are talking about. Entrusted by the people to ensure their welfare, a DOCTOR…
This skid mark knew he might be positive and STILL went to a pool that other people use, for a swim. That is the definition of a privileged lowlife. He is beyond disgusting and deserves to be locked in the basement.
She should have just let Michelle remain the First Lady and she should have settled with being Trump’s wife. Or whatever their relationship consists of.