
Gaetz is a spiked kidney stone and a hard stool and makes me wonder what type of crappy people are in his district that voted him into office. But if I see any news channel (Fox is not a news channel) allow him air time, ESPECIALLY CHRIS CUOMO, I’m gonna scream. He has earned the right to be banned from media as much

Good share! For those of us that do a lot of research and often have 50-100-150 tabs open, this is pretty good. I also use Fresh Start - Cross browser sessions manager for crash protection and sessions backup.

Huh, so umm... My actual comment is “I have friends that would disown immediately if not punch someone in the face for doing something like this.” 

Expressive and detailed wisdom. Thanks sports fan. Here’s a few good reads in return;

Thank you. I did a short search but had to move on. As a prank that makes it feel more innocuous but for people that rely on their devices this still seems a bit obnoxious.

I am very good with monitoring updates but probably won’t get it the second it drops. The last three or 4 iOS updates have given a lot of users wifi, data connection and Facetime issues. Imagine some well intentioned personal contact with a case of Dunning Kruger sends someone a bullet that bricks a phone. That is wack

So wait, do the unicode characters force the upgrade or nah!?? Either way, it’s a sucky Jedi mind game. I have friends that would disown immediately if not punch someone in the face for doing something like this. As “a fun little trick” its a crappy thing to do and in this context, a crappy thing to suggest. I’m

Being a flaming bag of hot feces is also a choice. Just by knowing she exists makes me feel like I am also suffering from her self immolation.

“ they are assembling a group of “activists and scholars” to aid the magazine in being a little less racist “

On what side of hell does tomahawk signs being thrown qualify as “okey dokey not really racist, that much”? How do people look in the mirror and think they are on the high ground when they condone crap like this?

My beef is those that dump salt instead of spread it. First of all, they are being lazy for a job they are getting paid for. Then, I tried to figure, would they want the area around where they live taken care of in the same fashion? And lastly, it looks dumb, a pile of salt in one square foot with a sheet of ice all

Writing a big check is great. Thats on them. But who is doing the forgiving? And even when forgiven, the most offended will not forget.

The initial stunt was so crappy that I wouldnt drink their water even if I did buy bottled water. The fact that the whole thing got so messy after with lawsuits make the brand even more of a bust down basic. To hell with all of it. #Cancelled

Another vivid example of why brands miss out when they do not place people of color in the room. What ever those salaries would be, they would still add up to a fraction of the downside loss they would prevent from happening such as cases like this Prada and D&G.

Meh, not so hot if you follow a lot of people. I would like to see more information than just their last few tweets. For instance, I’d like to see; do they follow me or not, how many follows they have, and what interactions we have had( Manage Flitter used to be

Hear me out... This is some serious millennial white ppl bs. No getting around that. Secondly, there have been movies about similar situations. I watched one months ago called “Two Pigeons”. It had its moments but wasnt great. Yadda yadda, if the toilet paper is flipped wrong, if the volume on my tv is a lil different

Look deep, deeper, and all evil looks the same. But its up to us to recognize it for what it is.

Facts. At first I was thinking #samesame but didnt want to trivialize it. This is two separate crappy people. Double the evil, double the evilness. #IJS

Another shitty human that has attained a position of power arguably based on privilege. The other horrible part to stories like this is that this administration has been placing more judges on the bench with the same principles as them. So there is a strong chance that there are more dark days ahead.

I hope you are referring to the judge.