Now, he will never NOT be racist to me, cause those “air quotes” said it all. And also, he might have found out that how he comes across in the movies prolly wouldnt translate well in real life.
Now, he will never NOT be racist to me, cause those “air quotes” said it all. And also, he might have found out that how he comes across in the movies prolly wouldnt translate well in real life.
There are a stadium worth of seats in Hell waiting for him and his entire cabinet, advisers, family, friends and those annoy whining aides that you hear shouting at reporters to get out of the room at those end of his bogus press events.
“ I’m not victim-blaming, but I am not-me-blaming too.” is SO hilarious! I not only starred that I’m gonna use it too!
I in no way endorse an obviously better endowed (male or female or any one else) individual using violence to solve problems that can be solved peacefully. REPEAT: Don’t hit people, especially those your are way bigger than. I believe in say what you got to say and walk away. Not everyone feels that way. And liquor…
This was written in the negative voice so well that I suggest to not go to hard on anyone that misses the /s of it all. I can say for sure I felt my pressure bubbling up reading it! :) Some may fire back before realizing the true meaning. These types of situations are infuriating.
Many productivity app reviews I see do not mention (or question) these incredibly important details. Once I find they are that intrusive I pass on them. Once again it seems like “if its free, you are the product.”
I did the switch right before Xmas. I have been trying to learn about the nuances of Fi vs what I was used to on ATT. The biggest difference is THE BILL!!!! I just paid my first bill that went from $150 and up on ATT to $26 (incl tax) and I couldnt be happier. The text mssg thing is a little janky but nothing I cant…
He, alone, is stronger than any of them will ever, ever be, as individuals or the mob they innately seek to become.
Unless, of course, someone puts the tape in place while they are on the rough side in order to get their creeps on later.
I dont think any politics should seep into HS sports... or religion, or an other adulting stuff. Let the still enjoy the last days of being a kid playing/competing/interacting with other kids. So, no National Anthem at a HS game, no political paraphernalia, no partisanship. Just my school against yours and we all have…
I’d like to see a post compiling how to scrub location information from Facebook, Instagram, any other major social media services along with apps like IMDB, Evernote, etc. and cellular services as much as possible.
I have used online and mobile phone teleprompters for teaching. Years ago, we would build our own rigs with an early iPad, a reflective sheet of clear plastic and a cardboard box hooked up to a DSLR. The software was a great asset then, but the fact that this listens to the speaker is super impressive! This is a good…
When their ship finally sinks I hope he is tied to the mast.
No one wants to look at balls while they are eating meat balls... Ok, maybe some do, but I’m sure they don’t want to have to pay for it when they can have Spaghetti O’s and PornHub at home.
Cheesy over the top stunts like this make me want to NOT buy the product.
And here I thought Byron Allen was really a nice guy.
All jokes aside, McCaskill is a frustrated, old minded, bitter loser. Her campaign was a long shot so she had the pain of seeing it slide down slowly with little hope of a turn around. Instead of learning from winners or teaching others in a dignified fashion she wants to cut.
WOW! Brutal AND hilarious!