
People are fucking morons. If I’ve learned anything in the last 10 months/4 years, it’s that people I see out, you know, driving cars and holding down jobs and raising kids are living in a completely different world than the one I’m living in, because they’re stupid. I wish I had a kinder attitude about it, but holy

My cousin has apparently been in what had become a very controlling marriage, but she traveled a fair bit for work (and made more money than he did) so his ability to do so was historically limited. Her being home for six months, and seeing that he was doing the same things to their young son with predictable results,

With her money, it’s totally doable without Botox. Facials, fancy creams, plus all those crazy new things you can have done by an aesthetician like micro-needling and lasers, not to mention fillers like Juvederm or Restylane. Saying you don’t use Botox is just like saying you don’t drink Ocean Spray juice. Still

Damn girl. I’m so sorry. Eons ago I dated someone who was “separated” from his partner of 14 years. Sob story, sob story, sob story, and I fell for it. Being lied to is the worst. And I thought I was immune to that shit b/c my dad was a guy like your ex. I knew that game and how it hurt people. But if someone is

I personally know two couples who decided to get a divorce after 30+ years together since covid hit - one discovered there was another woman, and one discovered a very well-concealed addiction. It’s been a revealing time, to say the least.

I've often wondered how the pandemic uncovered shitty behavior like this - cheating, fraud, theft, etc.

Not yet at least. I’d bet dollars to donuts that if this show lasts long enough, there will be a Slater / Spano wedding at some point.

This is a truly terrible idea. Truly. If they wanted a person who sees the world differently so they could do whimsical musical sequences, they could have made the story about someone who has synesthesia, where you see music as colors or something like that.

Probably the kid isn’t autistic at all. Just messed up because she has parents that would name a kid Music.

In its review of Green Book, the NY Times said there’s not much here you haven’t seen before, and very little that can’t be described as crude, obvious and borderline offensive, even as it tries to be uplifting and affirmative.” Yet it won the Oscar for best picture *in addition to* acting.

Actually, one of the assertions of the book is that white unemployed people are lazy.

I mean just look at how they had to dress and do the makeup of Close and Adams, it looks cartoonish and silly because it looks like pure cos play of poor people. 

These “specials” are cheaper

Exactly. It’s not like May-December romances never work out or anything; it’s that du Maurier is purposefully doing everything but putting the narrator in pigtails to emphasize how out of her depth and class she is during this entire thing. She certainly doesn’t come off as unintelligent or naive and unknowing--she

EXACTLY. Maxim is supposed to be a total stranger to her all the way up to *his shocking revelation.* And afterwards she’s stuck with the husk in some cheap hotel. She never really gets to know him, only her various versions of him. She projects Max as much as she ever projected Rebecca, and a big reason for that is

I did not know that! It’s almost like they’re all the same kind of douchebags. 

She’s an idiot, for sure. But this seems to have happened so quickly, my guess is OnlyFans had something like this in mind already. She was just an easy excuse to move forward with it. They’re not exactly a benevolent force. 

I mean, weren’t they together on and off for 10+ years? I’m assuming they met all of those criteria.

The fame is like a drug. But the thing that’s even more like a drug are the drugs.

I think it’s extra hilarious because teens always mostly wear jeans and t-shirts, but unlike a decade ago, grunge is back so hard that no one is even into mall brands or fit anymore.