
One of the most disturbing takeaways from the docuseries is the idea that some of the parents and girls did know they were “tempting” him to court his interest, they were just stupid enough to think they could control it. It’s not that they didn’t think he hurt girls, it’s that they thought he hurt girls who didn’t

I hope Kourtney and Scott one day finally explain to Khloe that she didn’t “trap” him with a baby. They basically always were just best friends and even if that was what she was trying to do, it still it did not result in them being together.

That’s how I translated it too. She was trying to say “You need to get off the dicks of people who have different political opinions if you are going to continue to ignore literal racial fascists like Steve King” without opening herself up to being treated as a gotcha if there ever actually is a way to censure someone

I think Khloe learned all the wrong things from Scott and Kourtney situation. Kourtney did not trap Scott with a baby and a TV show. I think they ended up building their family together because neither one of them really ever saw it working as romantic partners.

I think Jordyn is blaming herself for the wrong things here, but I also think this whole thing is showing how much the Kardashians think they own her.

I think this is exactly what happened, it is just is a question if she knew she was doing it or not.

Most people think of Tommy Hilfiger as a 90s relic, but they are changing the game for major label adaptive clothing that is focused on finding clever solutions to facilitate independence while looking as close to the mainstream version as humanly possible.

So it’s pretty clear that the people who should be the easiest for anyone else to stand up to are going to be a big problem when it comes to Trump because if his warped mind, they’re “the cool kids” who have everything he wants. Remember, Kimmy is literally a dictator for life who is BFF with Denis Rodman and gets

Alternatively, ironically, it might be everything that makes him a bad choice as for leader that makes him someone who could manipulate the shit out of Trump. He literally practiced on Dennis Rodman. 

I would not be surprised if it really was like a scene right out of sitcom where Trump is the first person ever who actually believes Kimmy can’t speak English and the absurdity was too much for anyone else in the room to handle.

It’s literally just Trader Joes with less quirky snack offerings.

I always thought making sure to mention that the child was being fed breast milk was a tip off that the vegan grandchild letter was a fake. There’s no way a woman who was trying to make herself the victim would mention that off the top. I know counter-troll bait when I see it.

One of the most interesting anecdotes that is almost buried in the book is that just about everyone who worked in the Walgreens retail stores knew it was nonsense and her process could not possibly work. They just didn’t want to jeopardize their jobs. After reading Bad Blood, I am confident that anyone who passed

Oh that sounds like the only version that is even remotely possible. Don told Nick that he could make a movie about his own father but to leave him and the Shirleys of it and Nick twisted that in his head.

Nick Vallelonga is so full of shit. First of all, if anyone ever explicitly tells you not to verify their story, the first thing you need to do is fact-check every word. Second of all, his two “explanations” don’t match - supposedly the entire reason he was okay with this road trip as the only part of his story that

Eh, the Chinese love political corruption, shoddy building practices, and taking advantage of stupid people. Trump is like an angel from heaven for them.

Honestly, given that he was mostly raised by western television and Swiss boarding schools, I would not be surprised at all if Kimmy J speaks English better than he speaks Korean. He probably sounds like he’s from California.

I’ll never forget Oprah’s face the year she featured the winner and her one little bite was so gross that she assumed that there was a mistake in the example portion prepared for broadcast.

The only good thing about Shallow Hal is that the basic foundation for all of the jokes is so unrealistic (that a 5'9 woman between 250-300 lbs would be constantly breaking furniture and have issues fitting inside things) that I’ve actually found it helpful when calling out irrational bias/double standards in

So, I am randomly familiar with the proposed LIC site and the Arlington site. I would bet my bottom dollar that the pullout had nothing to do with any pushback or literally anything other than Crystal City becoming cheaper than initially estimated and LIC becoming more expensive. Also, they probably realized the