
Residential treatment doesn’t really work for BPD but it absolutely is needed when a BPD person is experiencing a depressive episode, even if it isn’t clinical depression per se. The line between “i’m so sad I want to die” and “i should actually hurt myself” is so much thinner when you have trouble controlling your

I think it’s all tied to the key of critical parody being understanding what you’re parodying. I remember giving her the benefit of the doubt on the first or second episode because it seemed like they were “easing in” to the idea that her character is very sick, but then they just kind of let it ride.

I’m one of those people who holds the very unpopular opinion that Ferrante is a straight man, not because of the quality of the prose, but because the characters in no way reflect female friendship that I have experienced.

One of the reasons I had to stop watching the show because as you go on it becomes more and more clear that Frankie doesn’t seem to understand her character is more than “flawed” or “real”, she’s somewhere on the untreated borderline personality or possibly sociopath/psychopath spectrum.

I don’t know if it’s her obvious genetic thinness that makes her a bad choice so much as her already being famous for fitness and “clean eating.” I think they could have done better if they really wanted to show that thin does not equal healthy eating.

I feel like “Stop looking” is just code for “wait for a man to choose you, don’t ever have the expectation that he can’t unchoose you at any moment.”

Eh, Kate taught them how to be normal rich people, Meghan is teaching them how to be normal famous people. 

Sometimes I wonder if people ever do this as a social hack version of a DDoS attack used to obscure an email or something, but my experience tells, in the year of our lord 2018, people just don’t understand how list-servs work.

I feel like this movie would have been ten thousand times better if it was written by that Britney Spears fan who was struggling with how complicit they were in the destruction of that girl and accepting that things play out as they play out.

Well right, there are roles where simply looking like Audrey Hepburn from the side is enough. Particularly where her character is supposed to be a cipher or projection or symbol of delicate beauty. But anything outside that lane is a disaster for her.

It’s very strange to me that she’s regarded as a good actress. In every film from the professional through this hot garbage, her “acting” is just looking kind of like Audrey Hepburn from the side.

This is a very good idea for a movie. It would have been a good movie if it had been made by someone who knew what they were talking about, but I don’t think anyone on the creative team is that person. It looks like they made every possible bad decision they could have every step of the way.

I can’t believe no one has mentioned the “secret ingredient” in this dish: cut up frozen waffles. Some soggy frozen waffles thrown in with unseasoned frozen spinach.

That was my first thought! I’m guessing it was a shithole when they bought it and then they renovated only enough to be comfortable for them with the intention of flipping it.

Rather thinking of Clarendon as part of DC than a city of its own. We were talking more about vibe and experience over literal city limits.

A friend and I were just debating if growing up in prime Clarendon makes me from the city or from the suburbs. Cheesecake Factory suggests suburbs, but delivery driver riot suggests city, right?

Eh, technical advisory assignments to foreign institutions and/or diplomatic support posts aren’t really that unusual for real-life federal law enforcement.

This is an aside, but I also think people in the US think the Jonas Brothers were way more popular than they ever were. They were kind of a thing in Latin America at one point, but they were not by any stretch of the imagination one of the biggest bands in the world ever. Most people in Asia (south and east) have

I also think its interesting that The Cut did not have an opinion on Katy Perry’s multi-day, corp sponsored, Indian wedding where she wore a sari despite literally no one in either family being of Indian descent. If you strip it all back, it seems like the author’s biggest gripe was that a rich Indian woman had a

My parents let me have a phone starting in 7th grade but it was a prepaid burner phone. They made it pretty clear that it was for their convenience and my safety, full stop. I texted my friends, but because it was prepaid I tended to only do it for one-off jokes or “hey I’m here” type stuff. 10/10 would recommend.