
Yeah... Nintendo just can’t seem to sell Switches, THIS is what they need...

I hope so too.

I think you might be confused; Will Smith is a podcaster and game developer, not an actor.

I believe at that point it’s called “privateering”.

Hey guys, professional illustrator/animator here, I know I’m inviting the pitchforks and torches with this but I’d like to put out that the vast majority of us (ie artists) use reference material very liberally. It’s a very important facet of our process, and we are trained to use it whenever possible. “Work smarter,


A+ choice of image at the top of the article. 

Are these the same pesky hackers that put all those porn sites in my browsing history? THESE FIENDS MUST BE STOPPED

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” - Arthur C. Clarke

I guess knowing was more than half the battle in this case.

this Mr. Sconfienza could have every single lawyer in the world bring every kind of case imaginable, and the law would simpy state

There definitely *are* legit medical reasons to be able to seek an exemption. There are conditions where getting a vaccine may put too much strain on someone with a compromised immune system for example. Known allergies to components of the vaccines is another. I think the vaccine is also not recommended currently for

Angron was named after a frequent customer at the original GW’s local pub that was dubbed Angry Ron because he was angry all the time. This is not a joke. There is also Ferrus Manus of the Iron Hands, a primarch who has an iron hand, is named iron hands (latin), and who leads a legion named the Iron Hands.

What, are you going to tell me da red onez DON’T go faster?!

Uh huh. So how much did you spend on ugly monkey pictures and how many of them are in this torrent.

They actually asked me about all of those movies. I got tired of vetting them so I just approve everything now.

With the change in Peter’s father, I hope you can press X to J’son.

Ever been in a situation like this?

He is a party dude. I am left to conclude that the tourney organizers do not like to party.