Wait, I don't understand, you mean make everything 3D including the actors or just the backgrounds?
Wait, I don't understand, you mean make everything 3D including the actors or just the backgrounds?
Nope, it's actually more difficult to remove stuff than add stuff. It's like this the intricate robots are just put on top of everything, and whenever something is in front them, the part that would get obscured by the object is "erased" so it appears it's behind it, it's a little bit more complicated than that but…
One thing that I have been meaning to ask, but with me being in another country is a little difficult, are they thinking of making amiibos compatible with Skylanders or Disney Infinity on the Wii U?
I'm actually very impressed that the "hair" is as big as it is and it actually stays there for pictures.
This are some pretty good textures and shaders, it does actually look like cloth!
Also, the lineage and character is made up, so they can basically do what ever the hell they want.
Ohhh, I get what your misunderstanding is... This game is not following a genealogy by using history, they aren't going through books to see who was the descendant of who. What they are doing is taking the dna of some dude (Desmond Miles) and just mapping out who his ancestors were by looking at the genetic memory of…
No, nononono, you should watch the movie because Princess Mononoke is fucking awesome. Really. The only thing that can happen is that it will improve the experience when you play Zelda. Or hell it might improve your experience on life.
Oh yeah I do agree with you, but I completely failed to show that in my post, so yeah. But
Well to be fair, being a soldier or not, females in general have a lower center of gravity and a the hip bones tend to be bigger, so there is some differences in how they move. That is aside the fact that differences in muscle mass also affect the way you move, but that is more or less the same regardless of gender,…
Love it, especially the "jobs" they had when they retired from playing. Ronaldo as a mannequin was great. Also, football's first risk had me laughing way more than it should. Perfect LeBron was a nice touch.
I always, always loved that commercial. It's awesome.
Hey, it seemed to me that in the preentation, Reggie Fils-Amie implied that the Amiibos would be compatible with both Skylanders and Disney Infinity, though I have not seen it mentioned anywhere else.
Well it seems I jumped the gun a little bit there since I see no announcements apart from what Reggie said. Still I would be very surprised if they don't do it. The dream yet lives!!
Ok, why is no one talking about how amiibos are compatible with Skylanders and Dinsey Infinity?!
But what it should have is open world "arenas" so you can just mess around running, or you could put two points in the arena and see how fast can you get from one to the other.
It would be really, REALLY cool if they would let you play as an alien. It would be many kinds of awesome if we could play as a Salarian, Turian, etc
Impossible, that squeal was not made by your vocal chords, it was made by your soul. Preventing it from happening again is futile, accept it, it's better for all involved.
Oh yeah, Sleeping Dogs is awesome. I bought it last year and I still play it from time to time, it's very very good. And hell I just bought the expansions, which I need to play as soon as possible... Hell I'm going to play it right now as a matter of fact. Thanks for reminding me.
I'm not really sure how you can do co-op as anything else than tag team, while still being a fighting game. I rather they just do a sequel to Shaolin Monks which I think is more in line with what you want. Also, I loved Shaolin Monks and it's damn well time we have a sequel.