
Are you talking about RE 4 or Splinter Cell? Because everyone here is talking about RE 4, and your comment seems like it's saying that the PS2 version of RE4 shadow effects looked better than the CG one.

Which is just bonkers.

What you put there was a demostration of jujutsu using bojutsu rather than a kenjutsu demostration.

Now, don't get me wrong, this was VERY cool, but it does seem weird to put a video that by the nature of it makes sword fighting look bad, in this kind of thread.

Really now?

I like Final Fantasy XII. Yeah. I'm that guy.

Awwww, I really wanted to see Spiderman and Batman interacting, perhaps for the inevitable sequel.

I cannot wait to see this movie, sadly I will have to wait about a month or so, shitty international releases bullshit.

Do marvel charcters appear or is this just a DC thing?

The funny thing is, if it was in fact a, and i quote, "Steampunk, Gender swapped Joker, in a Willy Wonka hat". It still be totally awesome, such a great concept.

Hey, this is after a while i realize, but I was curious, what did you ended up getting for your friend? and did she liked it? I have been wondering, if we were in fact useful.

Oops, heh didn't notice that, will ask the right one this time :D

Hey, this is after a while i realize, but I was curious, what did you ended up getting for your friend? and did she liked it? I have been wondering, if we were in fact useful.

Not really, Masato Kato actually started doing the art for the Nes Ninja Gaiden games, I believe he was also director of the cutscenes though I'm not 100% sure.

Which is what makes it excellent.

Now playing

A minor, but helpful glitch can boost your otherwise slow and sometimes tedious travel speed in DayZ. Try to reload your weapon while crawling and get ready to travel at the speed of light... or at least at the speed of a truck.

It's basically a Facebook game minus the bullshit. You can assign little villagers to build shops for you in real time, and it's sort of like FarmVille except you don't have to spam your friends or give money to Zynga.

I'm a sucker for good job systems, and Bravely Default has a good job system: like in many Final Fantasy games, you've got your standard classes like Knight and Black Mage, and then your prestige classes like Salve-Maker and Performer. Some are more powerful than others, and you can mix and match abilities depending

Not animated, but I did this one myself (from the manga assassination classroom)

No, no, no, no, no don't try and change this around now, we can all see your plot, trying to look cool by pretending to know what that couch is, no sir, you have one guy here which you can fool with your clever ways. Nay I say, NAY!