"The sticky icky was STRONG in that room when that idea was conceived"
"The sticky icky was STRONG in that room when that idea was conceived"
If you feel obligated to find something to like it, then you will almost always never find it. I personally love Dark Souls and Demon's Souls, but it is true that it takes a specific kind of gamer to get the full enjoyment out of the game.
Impossible nothing. I present you planet explorers, another world created using voxels.
Well it's not like they stopped being friends. I don't get that, Jon left the show, not life! what exactly is there to move on from?
If I'm not mistaken, that is Doom from the ultimate universe, hell if I'm not mistaken all of those are Dooms from other dimensions.
The thing is, cloud computing was never going to be interesting, simply because it isn't feasible.
The villager scares everyone, EVERYONE. His soulless smile will bring about armageddon and will make hardened men and woman weep for the loss of all that is good in the world.
Nope, Family sharing was bullshit and not at all what you were thinking (or what I was thinking for that matter).
The whole cloud thing is massively misunderstood. There are basically two ways in which the cloud could theoritically be used, one is for shared processing, which means that the cloud processes stuff that is to intensive for a single machine to use and the second is to stream games that are run in the cloud so you can…
The thing, rigging sucks, it really really sucks, for me at least, I have known a few people (ok just one) that love to rig characters. The fun starts after your character is rigged. Animation it's still an arduous process, but it is very fun.
Show off. :)
You are absolutely right, I completely forgot about the OS, since I always build my own PC I have the windows installation disc so I use that. I always forget that in most systems in comes preinstalled and you can't actually install it on another PC.
Heh, the thing about that, it's that is not really true. Yeah they do look better, but not as much as some PC gamers will lead you to think.
Nah, it does not take much to be ahead of current gen games, in my reply to KODA 89 I created an hypothetical PC that costs less than $500 (485 to be exact) and the games you can play with that will actually look better than any current gen console.
Not really, for about 500 bucks you can get quite a decent PC that will play almost any game released last year and most of this year. And considering that a PC does more than play games and having a PC is basically a necessity right now, I think 500 its actually quite low, cheaper than IPAD and hell, it costs less…
First, being satire does not preclude it from being either a good point or news. If you were to report, say, watergate by satirizing what happened, but in the satire you were to say everything about it, then it would still be news. After all news is just telling you stuff you should know that has happened, it does not…
Nope, Disney did not rotoscope, well they kinda did. What they did was film an action, and then using the rotoscope they studied the footage frame by frame, so they could use that as reference for the animation, which was still done by hand.
There you go
This has to be, bar none, the most drink spitting fucking hilarious thing I have read in ages man.