"gourand shading"
"gourand shading"
Link is awesome, Ganon as well, Zelda kinda looks like a guy with tits, I dunno if it's the neco or the face, to be honest.
I think I was lucky, never having used AOL, though I did find myself using MiRC and the horrors there were no slouches either.
Oh come on people, he is doing old time trolling in an old time article!!
I can't be the only one that did this. Hell I remember knowing which exact sound meant that I was going to connect so if it was any different I knew it would not work.
When you hit reply, below where you write is a button called add video, press it and just put the link there.
That is because Porco Rosso is fucking awesome and you are a person of great taste.
Actually there are some two very good uses for the jump, and both are in combat.
flipping tidy, mun!
I see all the comments here being critical about a very easy mode and all I can think is really? fucking really?
Ok, FFXII is 9? are you insane? that is one of the best Final Fantasy game ever.
Hmm, well then guess I was wrong, though I could have sworn reading somewhere something along the lines I said.
I'd rather flush this post out of my mind.
Well in a sense all reviews are rushed, since you can't actually just take your sweet time playing the game since it's job after all.
To me it sounds like the game is so good yopu don't want to rush it like usual reviews.
Any one knows if Double Fine got it's IP back?
I do wonder how this can fund itself, I mean how do they translate lazy clicking into money?
Nah, it was I thought Jojo was hopeful that Dio had changed, but he was always wary of him.