Did you see the House m.d. pokemon reference?
Did you see the House m.d. pokemon reference?
Good old Greek mythology. Cronus eating his sons and daughters so he would not be killed, really gruesome shit but it makes for great stories to read.
Hahaha man Evolution is so underrated, it was a very fun movie it needs way more love.
Took me about 10 hours or so to play through the campaign on normal, but I still have to get all the treasures and tackle the game on crushing, so I'm guessing that is a good 10-18 hours more.
well the patch will let you switch between the two modes so all good from that side.
Is it just me on or on picture 8 does high look much better than Ultra? The water reflections are way better...
Did you win that game?
Hell that was and will be always the same, I remember playing Ninja gaiden in the nes with friends and having a competition to see who could win the game with the least lives lost, using a continue was tantamount to being a the worst wuss ever.
Come on man! if you are going to be a grammar policeman you should have also pointed out that there should be a coma before the but! (also Damn it, instead of Damnit)
This are all for freaking crane games??!!! DAMN!!! All i can find where I live is shitty plastic toys, this are fucking sculptures!!!!! And very good ones at that!
In and out of itself I don't think making the wii u BC is wrong (BC is always a win), what i meant was that the way they have been talking about using the wiimote for Wii u games is, in my mind, a mistake.
About damn time, hope it gets to four and besides if the Wii U is at least a quarter as successful as the Wii then price would not matter since you could go and take your control to your friends house dammit!!
My god!!!! Crecente is Keanu Reeves!!
Forgive him Jesus, he does not know what he is doing!!!
Very Interesting, and a good question to be asked.
Perhaps in two generation cycles maybe, Nintendo being what it is, that is always looking for profit from day one, has a war chest of about 10 billions or more (can't remember the exact figures), so they can go quite a few years without needing other divisions.
Horse Armor dude! that shit protected your horse!!!
Ryu Vs Military Dude
Ryu Vs Pyramid Head (and a bunch of other dudes and dudettes)
Indeed it is.