
The only downside to that is that he also has all the shit games.

Woah, woah, woah.... The snes was the ultimate console, the PS2 was awesome, but I don't think it ever reached snes status. Snes had way, way more awesome games than the PS2.

But he is not "crazy" in the general sense of the word since he could function in society and actually had a thriving business, from the way the article described his lack of remorse he would actually be a psychopath (apart from being a pedophile which is mental disorder).

Fuck, that is.... I'm sorry man, I don't really know how to reply/comment to that other that it is Bullshit.

"Get sodomized by convicts for being a child molester."

True, but couldn't they get their parents? I mean a parent knows how his child looks like! it should at least be an option or maybe cut the videos so the more explicit parts are not shown.... no that could be used as tampering with evidence or something like that, still an option would be important instead of further

It's actually not that uncommon for a store to have all night events, like say Lan parties or D&D sessions, because it ensures that they will not be interrupted.

Aside from what Brokenscope said, because of how the law works, sometimes due to many different factors (I know of good conduct, others are fuzzy in my mind right now) the sentence is reduced. By giving such large sentences they ensure that he stays in jail regardless of reductions.

Yeah checking it out to see if I can find that pic, because it seems like a internal concept art for the 3D artists or something. Apparently chest size is Serious Business.

hahahahaha only if apple is really vindictive. But no, as long as the games are within the apple standards for application, apple can't do shit, and even if they could actually bring some convoluted rule there is still the Android.

I'm so, SO, SO wanting this game right now, I mean we have been teased about the game for what now? 2-3 years? When the hell is it coming out? It looks awesome, and can't wait to be a Dragon.

Well yeah, but that is basically the beaty pass of the engine, that part would come later after the world generation code is done.

It would be a very, very, VERY wise decision by Nintendo to start releasing free pseudo games on the iphone and android. That creates brand awareness and would make people curious as to what the original game that spawned the app is.

While I do agree with your general point (that JRPGs have a unique art style and that criticizing that art style for being unique is silly). I have to take issue with your comment of Western design. Western design is incredibly varied (as is Eastern and in between) there are many, many great western artists with

I always considered using guides to be cheating myself out of the enjoyment of the game, so I never used them. That is until I started University and then work. Now my play time is very very limited so I try to do as much as I can by myself but use guides when I'm stuck or need to bypass a grind point or stuff like

You know what we should do? Get this story on the front page of kotaku, so when Blizzard reads it they will feel retroactively such dicks that they will send you free swag now.

Where did you get that pic? it seems a concept, and I'm a sucker for concept art! MORE!

I think the ratings is one of the bigger points in the case. If the government is going to create a law to prohibit the sell of violent videogames to minors, then to be able to do that the government must be the one rating the games.

Yeah that would be awesome. Hell it would be all kinds of cool if they made ALL the gold armors and the important bronze armors.