

I'm confused by all the comments I'm reading of people who had a older one still working but decided to buy a new one. Why wouldn't you wait till the other one dies?

That's a huge bummer. My 80GB PS3 I got in the MGS4 bundle is still going strong. My gf plays Kingdom hearts all the time on it so she would be sad to see it die.

My original 360 got the red ring twice and I gave up on it after that. When I was getting it replaced for the second time I purchased a PS3. When the 360 got back I sold it on craigslist. There are games that I miss out on but I can live with that.

I view Apple almost the same as I view Beats headphones. I believe both to be overpriced and I can get more bang for the buck with another brand, but that is because I'm knowledgeable about the subject. People who don't understand will get what others think are good and what they think is "cool". Not that it's the

I still have yet to buy a new pair of bowling shoes. Are those kind worth it? Mine are almost worn completely out lol.

Plus most of the bosses allowed you to poison mist them from some glitched area.

Easily the hardest games I've ever played have been for the NES and SNES systems. The original Ninja Gaiden and pretty much any of the Battle Toads games are near impossible to beat. I've never come across a game since then that compares to how hard those games were.

but is your trackpad on the right side?! Didn't think so! :P

Oh did I use to love these games. One of the mini games on the N64 had you rotating the stick in a circle as fast as you can. I used the palm of my hand to do this but played the game so much that I had to put a bandage on my hand. The stick took enough skin off my palm to the point it was raw lol.

I found myself half way through Portal 2 playing it just to finish it. It wasn't bringing the same fun and excitement the first one had. At the end I felt like I was just grinding away and praying the end was near. I'm happy I waited to purchase the game for $7.50 as I don't think it was worth much more.

I've never tried it with a Divine Weapon lol. I just keep on fighting them till I get to the summoner dude. Next time I will get a Divine Weapon to make it easier lol.

Reading this just makes me want to play the game again. I pick it up and drop it every now and then. Tried getting into PvP but found the lag getting into the way of a good fight most of the time.

I have to get to the top a lot to purchase large titanite chunks and like you I can fly through the place now. Every now and then I get caught though and I just laugh.

This game is terribly tough your first play through. You really have to take your time so you don't make a mistake. The feeling you get when you finally defeat a boss is well worth it though. So many games these days let you save constantly so if you mess up you just start at that same point. Sen's Fortress was an

Play Dark Souls before you make a statement like you aren't progressing. It doesn't have a central hub like DeS had. The farther you get in the game the more short cuts you unlock so you can return to areas much easier. Dark Souls takes what DeS started and adds to it.

If I was in shape, which I started working out and hope to be soonish, I would take a job like that. If I had a body that looked sculpted out of stone I think it would be fun to do a job like that. I'm sure it would get boring after a while but none the less I would do it and not feel like I'm degrading myself in the

I never said all women do this or should do this. I said a lot of good looking women actually enjoy this type of work. I'm sure a lot don't but do it anyways too, but they do it anyways because they know they can.

SERIOUSLY?! These girls aren't being held at gun point to do this. They signed up to do it. Same with restaurants like Hooters or The Tilted Kilt. A lot of good looking women take jobs like these because they like having guys look at them and they know they can manipulate men with their bodies. This isn't Sexist in

Awesome news! My dad might be jumping onto Sprint here soon and I might do the ole switch with him. Make him have my Epic 4G and I can get a new phone! Would make an awesome late christmas present!