
Incoming Apple patent on this so no one else can use it! :D

Yeah I need a longer video of that... for reasons

I just finished Portal 2 and it felt like I was forcing myself at the end to finish the game just to complete it and see the ending. Wasn't nearly as fun as the first game. Happy that I waited and got it for 7.50. Full price would have felt like I over paid for the game.

So far playing through Portal 2 and can't say I think it deserves to be GOTY. I haven't found a single thing as of now very challenging. I'm very happy I waited to buy it when valve was doing their yearly christmas discounts. I feel like it would have been a waste of money at full price.

Easily my favorite game. I've played for countless hours, well not really because the game keeps track, and still find myself inserting it into my PS3 for me. If Blighttown wasn't complete garbage the game would be almost perfect.

I always have the hardest time on macs for that simple reason alone. Only one mouse button. It made my experience in CS4 awful. Plus like you said the hot keys felt like I had to work to use them making them pointless to even use. They are suppose to be something quick and easy.

Can't say I've ever had something to that extent. I'm sure my computer would be able to handle it well enough though seeing as it is an expensive gaming rig.

My problem is I never really have time to play games when I'm not at home. Maybe if I had a job that made me travel a lot I would get one. I would rather bring a Vita around and a PS3 on a business trip. Until something like that comes up I won't be buying a portal gaming device. My PSP barely got any play. Buying a

You're doing something wrong if your brand new computers aren't running solid. I've used PS on both PC and Mac and find no difference. Plus I find the Hot-keys for the PC are much easier to use.

"Software works a tad better"

I'm guessing you like the Twisted Metal series, or at least find it appealing. :P

That is what came to mind as well for me.

I'll be playing some Dark Souls. Working on getting the platinum trophy for the game while making a beasty Str PvP char. Maybe even start a new PvP character up. Game is way too damn fun.

It's not a pred missile. Nice try though.

Just give me the game! GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME!

It felt like she was 50 feet in the air. I was afraid for my own life just watching it!

Or the showers?!

So really the PS3's interface looks like windows media center is what you are trying to say. PS3 did it before the Xbox so you're wrong really. I was just stating that they look similar now. I think it looks nice and I don't care if they are the same.

Wow can you fanboys chill out? I wasn't saying it was a bad thing! I couldn't stand the old 360 interface. It is looking really nice now. Be happy :D

I stated this and got hammered by angry people. I wasn't trying to say it was a bad thing either.