
That would absolutely kill some companies (i.e. Gamestop) and hurt other major companies (i.e. Walmart & Target). I don't see a fully digital game console anytime soon.

I purchased a 2GB stick for my PSP at release and it cost me around $100 if I remember correctly. Kinda upsetting how expensive flash memory was back then lol.

I agree. God of War was first.

I still walk into PacSun too and wonder why people pay $50 for a button up T-shirt. I only shopped sales or clearence there. Was one of my favorite stores for a while though. Kohl's is where it's at these days lol.

Does that mean the game will be going to heaven now?

I remember when I was young and shopped at hot topic for anime/vgame shirts. Now I walk in just because it's habit. Everything there is over priced.

I never owned a Wii so I never had the fun of using friend codes lol. I've heard some horror stories though.

I'm sure have a loving mother isn't the same as being a loving mother. Not having a parent in your life can really screw with a kids head. I think that those two adopting her, although being kinda against the norm, to be quite impressive. Who would really go that much out of their way to make someone's life that much

LoL is an awful game.

The price of HDTV's is dropping all the time. 32" 1080p LCD TV's are around $600-$800 now.

You must have not of played SMB Melee very much. On the outside it looked like a casual fighter but dig a little deeper and it was a very complex fighter.

I'm getting really excited for the PSV and all the games coming out. I just graduated and hopefully getting a job here soon so hopefully I will have plenty of money to be spending.

I completely agree with you. My PSP has just been collecting dust for the past 4 years but the PSV is actually getting me excited for Portable Gaming again.

Thats what I was thinking. They have pretty small boobs compared to most girls in vgames these days.

I'm really starting to think that I'm going to really want a PSV and will actually play it way more than my PSP. All the games are looking great.

People still expect everything shown at a Press Conference is 100% Truth and will happen and get angry at the notion it might not? Seriously? People keep saying that companies aren't learning from mistakes but it's also you guys that aren't learning either.

Looks like I will have a Wii U and PS4 next generation.

AHA that was me who wanted 11 swords. Was a bad Spinal Tap reference though :P

You are correct. I'm working on one atm.

I think it would be a smart business move to keep them at $30. Then move the new PSP games, that is if they are still going to make them, to $20-$25. They would sell even more PSVs that way and still make money on the PSP.