
Same for me. My PSP-1000 has gotten zero love. I think I will wait a while before I purchase the Vita.

I see myself waiting on the Vita for a while. I've had a PSP-1000 that I rarely used, it hasn't been powered on for almost 1 1/2, and only have 1 game. Although I think I'm going pick up a monster hunter game because they are cheap for the PSP now. I just don't get into portable gaming like I did when I had a GBA.

Coffee shouldn't be to the temperature of leaving 3rd degree burns in the first place. Mcdonalds sense then has had to reduce the temperature they keep their coffee by a lot. The coffee was so hot that when she went to take the lid off to add stuff the cut just gave out. She was originally only asking for enough money

If you were the one who got those 3rd degree burns then I don't think you would be making it a joke. She had to get skin grafts they were so bad. Plus she wasn't driving she was in the passagners seat.

Who is to say what a "Real" RPG is? You make it sound like JRPG's are a rip-off of some origninal content.

You can't knock it till you try it. You find that the design fits perfectly with a how all the characters act and the gameplay. It really ends up being quite beautiful.

Please fix your sarcasm radar for it seems to be broken.

I felt that way too untill I actually played the game. Then I realized how fun it actually was and I began to appreciated the design of it.

I ended up just going back to an earlier save state lol. It was fun making the homeless into vampires for a bit but when i couldn't do anything else it get old :P

I'm going to give this game a go.

All the voices come through my Bluetooth PS3 mic while I'm playing online games. So I don't normally worry about that.

I can't afford "cheap" things atm either. I'm poor lol.

I've been meaning to buy a fiio. So far my Sennheiser HD555's have been working out great without it. When i get the money the fiio will be a nice addition.

That was in my unless part in my first sentence... you didn't read very far did you?

I will never buy "Gaming" headphones unless I absolutely have to be quiet while playing my PS3. People need to stop buying TB because they are the cool thing especially for PC Gaming. Go out and spend the same amount on some Sennheisers and a small portable amp and you will be blown away. If you need a mic Logitech

I always found myself holding the N64 controller pretty much sideways in my hand.

I would say there is a really good chance. Nintendo has always been on the cheaper side and I don't see why they would all of the sudden change that. $300 is going to be my bet.

You know the weeaboss would be enjoyable still. At least for a little bit :P

It records people while they play. Then you can post all the funny faces you make while playing on youtube :D

May I ask what phone you were/are using? I've had my fair sure of unstable roms on my Samsung Epic 4G but for the most part all the roms out now are smooth as butter and run way faster than stock.