
I agreed. So many memories of Noah's Ark growing up.

I like the idea of forcing a user to use a keyboard and mouse. Would make it so people wouldn't complain about people playing console versions.

It is neat to see what the city that I have been reading about in their books looks like. Man I can't wait for this game to come out. Almost as excited for this as Diablo 3.

It's good to see others here actually have a life besides video games. This PSN outage hasn't bothered me a bit. Golfing and Disc Golfing has been taking up my free time.

Playing Pokemon Fire-Red using Tiger GBA on my phone.

Only problem I have with gamestop is the one guy that works their at my local store. Tries to tell me about every game coming out and how I can pre-order 20 games! I go in there with a specific game in mind and don't want to be sold on crap.

After my 360 RRoD three times it got put on craigs list. Unlike most I can live without my PS3 for a couple weeks. I have other hobbies.

Everything you read on the internet is true. You didn't know this?!

Same. I'm just enjoying Uncharted 2's story line now. If anything this outage is giving gamers a chance to enjoy the spring weather.

Was able to take it back to the store? Most 360 owners had to send it in the mail via UPS and have it gone for 2-4weeks. I went through that shit twice and sold it when it got back.

My SNES and N64 have a yellow tint to them because of my old cats. Both smell but work great :D

My first Xbox got it's first RRoD within a week of getting my Xbox Live. They gave me a free month too but I was still pretty angry.

It is odd how some people haven't had an RRoD while I had two of them myself. Good luck with your console.

If anything this is making me not waste my time on multiplayer games and playing my single player games. Finally getting around to Uncharted 2 and want to pick up AC: Brotherhood.

Soon this will be a thing of the past. Windows is getting rid of the BSOD.

Yet my 360 died on me three times where I was out of even using my console for 2-3 weeks at a time. At least I can still play my single player games on my PS3.

I really can't believe all the posts I see where people are going out and buying 360s just so they can play CoD. Seriously people? Get another hobby! Go outside, go fishing, read a book, or socialize with another human being. CoD isn't even that great of a game. I've wasted enough of my life on the game but I can't

You aren't paying for that feature. With your logic when you buy a 360 game with "ONLINE" capabilities you are paying for Xbox Live twice.

True. There will never be a day where people don't realize others don't care what system they like.