
That's nice. Tell me more about your life experience living with a penis.

I don't think McDonald's is that worried to be honest, I think they're doing what they can to wait out the next big population bulge.

Well, I mean, it would be kind of funny if Viagra advertised across the board to all men, wouldn't it?*

Yep, it's been pointed out. Thanks for the Caps Lock though.

Fair enough.

Yep, it's been pointed out.

Yeesh, don't know how I missed that.

Friends fit into number 1) Girls I have no interest in.

You seriously jerked off by humping a pillow?

Wait, are you talking about the ad imbedded in this article?

Oh, most definitely.

Fair enough.

Well 'Low T' affects men of all age, because everything from diet/exercise to genetics or medication can have an effect on Testosterone levels, leading to everything from low sex-drive, to erectile dysfunction, to simple moodiness or irritability. The diagnosis of low testosterone isn't new, it's been around for a few

He was awesome in that movie until he fell for whats-her-name.

Generally speaking, society as a whole is more open and immediately accepting of drugs that fix functions of the human body (ie, make the body run as people believe it normally does/should), then they are of drugs that address brain chemistry and create or suppress drives.

Sigh, I miss my long hair.

Are you a man?

Aint nothing wrong with airing it out a bit. You got room.

I admire your charity.

For the record, it seems to be mostly older dudes with the problem.