That’s fair. Though I should note that a more diverse electorate wouldn’t necessarily be a more progressive one— move the far more racially diverse Southern states up the Calendar and Biden is running away the nomination by March.
That’s fair. Though I should note that a more diverse electorate wouldn’t necessarily be a more progressive one— move the far more racially diverse Southern states up the Calendar and Biden is running away the nomination by March.
Pete’s career-path problem is being born and spending his professional life in such a deeply red state-- as with Castro (and Beto) he doesn’t have a real avenue to gain more advanced experience (hell unlike the other two he can’t even run for House without moving).
Eh..NH is similarily unrepresentative- South Carolina is the first state with anything approaching a diverse voter base, and Nevada is the first state that’s close to representative.
I mean what if what the Democratic Base wants is a moderate?
It’s really, really similar to how everyone (online) is massively dismissive of Biden’s popularity- first it was “oh it’s name recognition” then “people are just too scared to lose to Trump” and now you hear things like “Well, Obama didn’t have a ton of African-American support in 08 until after he won Iowa” as if…
I mean at this point shouldn’t we maybe start to accept that the reason Biden is not just still standing but leading, at least nationally, is because he’s either actually popular or he reflects the ideological sentiment of a plurality of a plurality of the Democratic base?
To be clear the DNC can’t win on the Debates:
If all this is true, then getting the most votes in the Primary shouldn’t be an issue.
I’d like to see proof for this oft-cited “fact” because I have a feeling it’s heavily cherry-picked (for instance it’s obviously only accounts for currently eligible individuals because Bernie isn’t close to Obama) and while it may have been true at some point in 2015/2016 it’s no longer the case.
Nah troll, they mean the primary
Even the tactical errors are overplayed- she lost by such a small margin and with such an ahistorical distribution (no non-Congressionally determined “winner” had ever lost the Popular vote by such a significant margin)— hell, vote suppression, purging the rolls, Russian hacking and disinformation, and especially the…
Even the tactical errors are overplayed- she lost by such a small margin and with such an ahistorical distribution (no non-Congressionally determined “winner” had ever lost the Popular vote by such a significant margin)— hell, vote suppression, purging the rolls, Russian hacking and disinformation, and especially the…
Isn’t that literally the “Bernie would have won” argumemt though? Extrapolating from both his primary results and polling to assume he’d have won more Electoral College votes in the General?
If this is the case, and if Sanders really will motivate Young Voters to the polls, then he shouldn’t have any trouble winning the nomination. If, as is almost always the case, young voters suffer from disproportionately low turnout rates in the primaries, then it’s hard to see how this would help in the General.
I mean if we’re going use a British Example— the hatred/disdain from some left for Obama and especially the Clintons is really, really reminiscent of the anti-Blairite sentiment seen in some sections of Labour.
I’m assuming young people— I do think there were certain segment of people— especially on the left— who erroneously and/or tragically assumed “If a milquetoast moderate like Obama can win twice with relative ease imagine what Bernie could do if only Clinton wasn’t in the way” for whatever reason.
This is yet another example of how “the base” is a massively subjective term (made even more so by the fact that the definition is constantly evolving)— depending how one defines it the base of the Democratic Party.
Of for fuck’s sake— these same people also claimed the UK was torturing Assange by confining him to the Ecuadorian Embassy-- because if he decided to leave he’d be arrested which is a specious argument at best.
This. Jesus, Snowden was more targetted than Manning (though still too indiscriminate especially given that both the Chinese and Russian Intelligence services almost certainly obtained access to the raw data taken).
What was the justification for the initial Admin Seg? Safety? Concerns over integration of Transperson into Genpop (both seem legitimate, the latter only because it’s still likely an issue of experience and setting up best practices).