Winning incrementally is better than a noble loss.
Winning incrementally is better than a noble loss.
So...he’s only a candidate due to privilege but also isn’t viable because he’s a minority. Cool, no internal contradiction to that argument.
I mean, he’s pretty clearly taking the “Joe Biden but like at least 2012 level cognition Biden” lane, it’s just sad that he’s from a deep red district in a deep red state and thus doesn’t really have any way to move up other than the Executive Branch (cabinet or VP); the Dems should have made him DNC chair a few years…
I almost has to be intentional (albeit potentially subconscious) on Jr’s part right-- he’s a Trump and married almost a decade older? Some sort of “show the old man by fucking new mommy” thing?
Wait.....wait....I know guns are different due to the second amendment but I’ll be damned if Bernie’s explanation doesn’t sound like a paen to private property rights which is at least a bit ironic given his attitude towards the same otherwise.
Among those who would otherwise vote for a Dem? I mean I think we’re probably good, my only worry is older Dem voters (of all races)-- if it’s close it only takes a small percentage of Dems sitting out to tip things.
Eh...that’s not an attack that comes without costs-- if they go their they better be ready for things to get heated.
I mean, he’s not ideal but if he was 10 years older and/or born in a less deep red state (and thus a Senator) Buttigieg would likely be the frontrunner.
I mean, there’s a reason he’s the NRA’s favorite Independent. I mean I think he’s right politically (significant Gun Control polls well, but the distribution is skewed towards states Dems will already win— especially for measures which go beyond the standard “common sense gun control” assortment)’s amazing…
“Incriminating Evidence" or possibly "People's Exhibit: X"
The chances a two term Trump doesn’t attempt to make one his spawn the GOP nominee after it’s explained to him why he can’t amend the Constitution and run again (namely because doing so would enable a only 58 in 2024 Obama to run for a third term which he would easily win) seem minuscule
I mean, if we’re going to be conspiratorial about it- there’s probably a reason Paul Manafort pushed so hard for Pence as VP in the first place despite it being on paper a stupid pick (deeply unpopular conservative Governor in a Red State- Think Warren naming Cuomo as her Veep choice).
I'm glad you have "white" there because literally ghe first thing I thought of were the ridiculous constraints Obama had on him with regards to anger
Makes sense, I mean whose more Alabama than Mike Bloomberg
That the most Jacksonville QB of all time broke out too late to be incorporated into the final season of the Good Place is a tragedy
An interesting dynamic is Buttigieg absorbing Biden votes in the same way Warren gains from Sanders
To be fair PS+ has hit a pretty wide range of genres over the last few months- sports, racing, shooters, rpg, survival horror, etc
Oh from a political standpoint this plan is just disastrous, it’s going to let the Republicans run as tue party thst will save your healthcare and preserve the ACA, plus her estimate is that it would cost 2 million jobs which I can’t think will play well.
From a political standpoint this feels like a “win the nomination at the price ofnthe general election” plan.
Plus, his liquor business- substantially more successful than Trump Vodka