
She gives off that "above everything and everyone" vibe. Actually she doesn't just give off the vibe, she broadcasts it via the media and that inane blog. Additionally, her exercise and nutrition tips are irresponsible and have even landed her in the hospital. She's not one of the good ones, she is just one of the

What's sad is that this was a woman who filed the complaint. It's too bad she doesn't want her kid to better understand her body and learn that a vagina and vulva aren't shameful. Again, women holding women back; the fuck is up with that?

I think sports are important in schools; justice and balance should be more importnat. The safety of students should be paramount. I am glad though, that these stories are getting out and touching the nation because nothing works like knowledge to open people's eyes. We need to keep writing about this stuff. Women

You're totally right. This does pass the buck. We're all to blame though. Figuring out how to force the media to accept that a heavier woman is still appealing and more importantly, marketable, is the real obstacle. Ironically, the answer seems to lie within the focus group.

Live music is the best and entitled millenials, or entitled anyone for that matter, can suck the fun right out of a music festival like a pot head sucking the smoke from a joint. I think the reason I love live music is for the sense of community that you can get from watching a serious band tear things up.

I look my age and don't give much of a fuck about it most days. I think the goal should be to stop counting the years. Besides, I don't want to look 25 so I can hang out with 23 year olds. I want to have a good time and stop hiding from death and worse, irrelevance.

Really? NO ONE, no one anywhere felt they could speak up and tell Brad or the record execs that own him, that this track might possibly come off negatively? Not one person? Wow, inaction really is a bitch. Oh man, this song is fantastically bad. I think LL is the cherry on top.

So what you're saying is, you missed the point.

A feminist remains a feminist even when she chooses to run a household instead of a corporation. Feminism is the fight for equality across the board so, I don't see how tearing down a woman for choosing to stay home does anyone any good. The same goes for a career-driven woman; she's not an ice queen with eyes only

Ok this is getting ridiculous. This was one photo in a body of work. You can't just take something way out of context and paint it racist. Also, this is what art is supposed to do: make us uncomfortable and discuss, think; this photo is doing what it was intended to do. If we don't stop getting our feathers

Nope, she's out of her mind. While these are all great qualities to want in a partner, this list is out of control. Focusing so intensely on what you wish would materialize isn't healthy. Don't get me wrong, I had a list too when I was single and after having married a complete slacker and dealt with that once

So do all these guys think Joshua was a perfect looking man? I beg to differ, he's balding and his features are small, passive and excessively sharp. He is no closer to physical perfection than she is. We're all strategically imperfect and how refreshing for someone to give the finger to the pathetically simple