
I would like to know the government program's default ratio, and if it's higher than, say, a major bank's ratio. I'm all for helping to advance areas such as clean energy and electric vehicles, but it must be done responsibly.

Just curious, but am I the only person here that DESPISES station wagons? I hate them. No, I don't really mean "I severely dislike them"; I really, truly HATE them.

Poseidon, look at me now!

My buddy has a Scuderia, one of the first in the US. Crazy fast, sounds like a F1, just sick (in a good way, of course). And yes, it's an absolute monster to drive.

A friend of mine had one (sold it when he got his 430 Scuderia, lucky bastard). The driveshaft broke on him twice. Once, cruising aroundthe neighborhood, the second time "at speed".

What destroyer? I see nothing but water with some weird waves.

I still can't get over the 16 headlights.


Grew up in WLH during the dot-com boom. The greatest part of that entire mass immigration of Californians and Yankees was the mass exodus that came with the dot-com bust. I'm hoping we're in a similar cycle and houses will be as cheap in the up-coming exodus as they were in 1999-2002.

My own submission:

Former Austinite here.

Yup. This is how I imagine the garage of pretty much every Ferrari owner.

Except honing in a rental GT-350.

I retract my previous statement. This is an acceptable use of a Caravan. Although an old CJ-7 may be more fun...

Just say that you want the engine in that Caravan. But never, EVER say something as heinous as "I want a Caravan..." It doesn't matter what you say after those four words.

Look, Maserati... I just don't know where all of this is coming from. Yes, I liked you in Gran Turismo form, and the two of us had fun together back then. Even though you belonged to my friend, we really did spend a lot of time together and, as a result, grew closer than I ever thought we would.


Don't ever say something this vile again. EVER. AGAIN.

I'm sure it's going to be a Veyron SS with a disposable rocket mounted on the top to reclaim the top spot in Guinness.

I love the LM002. I have ever since it came out. The wide tires, the Countach V12, the sheer audacity of the vehicle... I love it all.