
Jade Carey flyyyssss. I swear she could do a triple twisting yurchenko. She doesn’t even look like she is putting in max effort. As a former champion gymnast of absolutely nothing, she is the one that makes you shake your head and think, “Maybe I should try cheerleading...”.

Yep. I’ve never felt more alone than while laying next to my emotionally dead, abusive, soul draining narcissistic ex. Now I just feel regular alone, but I get the whole bed...

Trump hasn’t read anything since researching to see if the incest laws changed in NYC. I would go as far to say Trump doesn’t care about anyone who is not a direct extension of himself, white, black & in between (but especially black). Even then, that adoration can be rescinded at anytime. There’s no greater peak

My dad was a narcissist who sat me down one day as an 8 yr old and told me the only reason that people liked me is because my skin was light enough to appear white. He also beat my mother and regularly gave me the silent treatment due to his probably, narcissistic depression. Because of that I found myself in a

Rihanna is amazing and most of all, appears to be a lovely human being. The fact that fucker Chris Brown got to be with in 10 feet of this beautiful women, I know the world is unfair (and because of war, dying children, & Trump, but for context of the article). 

Coming up, on this episode of Narcissists Raising Narcissists.....

Ciara’s middle name is also Princess. I don’t think it took that much restraint.

Condoms are readily available on most college campuses. I don’t even understand your logic. These are women in college who are presumably at least 18 and who probably have a o, i dunno, a basic knowledge of how babies are made and understand the consequences of having unprotected sex? This doesn’t “reinforce”

This is me as well. I am a HSP and just got out of a ten year “relationship” with a narcissist. It was torture that I almost didn’t survive. I think for anyone who has actually lived it, learned from it, and was able to escape, seeing and hearing DT talk is like being at a 50% off sale at the red flag store. I don’t

Thanks so much! To the black hole of Amazon I go!!

What are your go to products? I’m on acne meds, and it’s helped a lot, but still not totally satisfied with my skin. I think I need those couple products to hopefully push me to that “love my skin”zone.

Just FYI, I saw it on Friday and it was actually hilarious. You’ll be pleasantly surprised that McKinnon is in the movie a large majority of the time and she is a frickin gem. You won’t be disappointed.

If she is dating him, this might finally give Nick Cannon the material he needs to make a remotely decent album. Nah.

She could have done a simple top knot.....but way to break rule #1 that I learned at the age of 5.....never touch hair that is already dried. Set it and let it, lady.

This just happen to me last night! I ordered a sub and my b/f ordered wings. Sometimes we barter mid meal, so I had a wing he had a bite of my sub. I was intently watching Dexter & apparently he said you can have the rest of these wings to which I did not respond! Then I look down and my whole MF sub is gone and I

I like to think in my world that my older sister is somewhat Beyonce and I tend to lean more toward Solange. Meaning our father is also an asshole and she seems to have come to terms with it. Maybe even writing forgiveness ballads. Where I tend to take the stance, “fuck off you narcissistic abusing p.o.s.” But I could

Well, JoJo’s label seems like absolute dicks. Do artists even need labels anymore? Why not get angel investors like startups? There has to be as much risk in that as investing in some random cat walking on demand app.

It’s definitely not just you. I just went to see the Jungle Book and the opening images where the Disney Castle sprinkles down from the fireworks or whatever, I felt 7 all over again. For all the side eye we can give to Disney movies now as adults, there is so much nostalgia in these movies to remember when we hadn’t

not the same wife...ex-wife, then married superhead, now separated....a lot...a lot has happened to him (or he has happened to a lot of people) in a very short time..