
Parents do it all the time. It is not in unusual for parents of a rapist to either be in denial or just not care. I’ve commented on Jezebel about a woman I used to know who practically bragged about how her teenage son assaulted another teen. While I’m not sure if he faced legal consequences because it might have gone

Luckily for us, there’s no chance of this happening. Solely because his map doesn’t have New Zealand on it.

One of his former partners already testified during the trial. She testified that she was afraid that he would suffocate her during sex. I’m looking for the article but no joy so far, but I’ve read it for sure. 

When they finally do release his name, how many horrified and traumatized women will there be?

Trump is cutting off foreign aid until the verdict is reversed and the man is given a cabinet post.

That explains a lot.  You are doing gawds work. 

The only way how Katie Cherry is got on Raya is via Tara Reed, I only know it because I googles, GDI  

There’s really no punishment severe enough. As a relatively new father this has me really fucked up.

I know it’s Janice who keeps stealing my Tupperware containers.

I would say the only rule of wedding planning should be: the bride and groom get to do what they want, however they want, and you are not obligated to attend/stay.

I would love to see the gender composition of “the researchers”

Researchers built Emma based on an amalgamation of all the body gripes listed by office employees as a representation of what too much sitting and not enough milling about does to a body over a span of 20 years.

the suggestion that a woman schedule a premarital exam ‘to confirm that her body is ready for sex’ and explore using a vaginal dilator

Katie Couric is so problematic for the things you mentioned in this piece along with her anti-sex worker mentality and scorn of the adult industry on the whole.

I mean, I have just under $100k in debt (maybe inching closer to $50k? who even knows any more) and at this point I fully believe climate change is going to wipe us out before i wipe out this debt.

We shouldn’t be forced to rent forever (which, according to this New Yorker, is quite literally throwing money away) or be homeless because we went to college.

All kinds of reasons. She may have bought the house before she went to school. She may have inherited it. She may have acquired title in a divorce. In any event, you can’t assume it was a bad financial decision. In many areas, owning a home is significantly cheaper than renting (particularly in the long run,

Exactly. You know how the CFPB made credit card companies put that handy little chart on the top of your statements that explains how long it’ll take you to pay off your balance and how much you’ll pay in total if you pay the minimum vs. a little bit more?

@Federov: "In fact, we have no idea how many women throughout the history of this publication had a similar experience of being coerced."