
and they only thought to bring one bodyguard for all three women, even though one of them had just been accosted last week? That’s where this seems fishy to me. That whole family has had stalkers and attackers, yet somehow in Paris during Fashion Week where their profile couldn’t be much higher, they decided to skimp

Cuz he definitely had a gun? Any proof he had the gun? Or we’re just gonna go with what the cop who killed him said?

thank you! I needed to hear this part of the story! Although if that family is anything like my own it’s quite likely the mom just swept it under the rug and pretended she knew nothing. As a matter of fact, I’m willing to bet nothing was done to the son and he kept going. Based on my own experiences and those of

who did you share it with tho?

So please tell us you did something about it? Even if it’s a lie, just tell us you did!

Wait, so did you ever tell the mom or son or daughter?? No reason to think it would stop just cuz you cleaned out the computer one time...

Was he at SUR? That’s all I wantto know!

Yes! I couple years ago I started taking Loloesterin (version of The Pill) and I get verrrry light bleeding one day once a month if that. Life changing! It’s upsetting to think that I suffered for so many decades so unnecessarily!

Look, Putin has an 82% approval rating you guys...

are you from the midwest? I was really tempted to put the school’s name to see if anyone else remembered that specific torture. And the most psycho gym teachers ever.

If you forgot your lunch in my grade school (there was no real cafeteria) the lunchroom supervisor (the horrible bitch gym teacher) would announce to everyone that you forgot your lunch and ask them to give you anything from their lunch they didn’t want. Taught you real quick to keep your mouth shut and go hungry.

bbbbut maybe because Kylie is younger she can still be helped?

Can someone like Oprah please rescue Kylie? She’s only a teenager (right?)! She’s so young and in such a wildly fucked up relationship, my heart breaks for her. She ain’t got no mom. She has no one. And this is just the beginning...

YES! I’ve tried all the brands- nothing stays up without garters

now you’re mentioning the legal implications- but before you said : “What reason would they have to assume accepting someone’s offer of sex is wrong? Again different people like different things.” That is what I was responding to. And different people like different things? What do you mean by that? That this former

hmmm...what are some flags in this situation that might have alerted these guys that this situation was not kosher? *cue jeopardy music*

You really think those hs boys thought that what was going on in that bathroom was ok? They didn’t know it was wrong to run a train on the new girl? Puhleeeease!

exactly what i was thinking- SMALL MAN’S COMPLEX

Who was the character based on him in FNL?