Isn’t the answer basically “There are likely more tall people/people who can jump high than there are people who can hit a ball with a stick 400 feet”? Because that seems the only logical answer.
This is a great article! Thank you for adding to my list of things to look out for.
The headline seems a bit misleading. It suggests he owes €15M in taxes, which is immediately corrected by the first paragraph to state taxes owed on €15M in income. I might fix that.
There are a lot of good perspectives here. (And more bitter vitriol than I thought the Internet was capable of producing. I should never underestimate that, but here we are.)
Wait, some guy named Cary clock-blocks his buddies by being a douche in my country and he says “Fuck Canada”? Fuck you, buddy. #gooilers
If you really want to piss people off, say they're moving to Hartford. Implausible, but more fun.
Doesn’t it depend on the league?
I entirely agree, and not only because I have Murray in my playoff hockey pool.
The Last Temptation of Tebow: Why I Turned Down The CFL (Because I’d Likely Have Stunk It Up There Too)
Misfit Shine/Shine 2. Bought the first because it was one of the first wholly waterproof trackers, and I like to swim. Bought the sequel because the other water-resistant/proof trackers I tried sucked at that.
Misfit Shine/Shine 2. Bought the first because it was one of the first wholly waterproof trackers, and I like to…
But for the photo, I was sure the headline meant I was about to hear Jerry’s Donald Sterling moment. Imagine my disappointment.
I concur. What does it say about John Kruk when Mendoza and Chris Archer — who'd never been in the booth before — are far and away better at his job than he is?
Please, for the love of all that is holy, never use that picture of Jerry Jones again. The expression (some combination of joy & revulsion), the decaying teeth and the rictus on his face make Jerry look like he’s Sgt. Esterhaus from “Hill Street Blues” as played by a zombie from “The Walking Dead”.
So besides cooking, Drew’s challenge was to make all those stills of Roger Goodell look thoughtful and dignified in comparison to the above?
I have a family recipe for "Woccoli" (pardon the pun) where you cut up the broccoli, including the non-woody part of the stem, without peeling the skin off any of it (although I do trim the little leaves off). Chop up fresh ginger, garlic and the broccoli, throw it into a wok (get the pun now? sorry about that) with a…
Replace soccer with hockey, Januzaj with Brett Hull and Wilshere with Don Cherry and BAM! New article.
Sure, 99% of the time the toilet handle is on the right side ... but you're facing the toilet to flush it, so it's closest to your left hand. So toilet manufacturers are using the same logic as auto makers are.
I'm more fascinated by the three ex-players sitting opposite Glazer; haven't seen three people less happy with their leader since "Murph and the Magictones".