since his watch ended, he is out of his vow to The Black and then he can take over the North and Westeros
Or, he is going to become the next whitewalker and kill everyone at castle black. They should never have doubted his strategy of concentrating on the whitewalker threat instead of the wildlings.
Grits and gravy together sounds like a sloppy mess.
What really matters more than anything is that every child have a mother AND a father!
The more I read about these conservative, pro-”family” men turning out to be pedophiles or closeted gay men (not saying that those are in ANY way equivalent), the more I’m starting to think these groups are even more nefarious than I previously thought—in terms of organizational structure and institutional cover.
Yes, this. My new boyfriend keeps trying with me and I don’t know how to help him because I’ve never really enjoyed receiving oral before. It’s ranged from boring to WTF to mildly pleasant, but nothing beyond that.
His eternal weepy face is too hard to capture
Keep in mind that some women won’t know what they like, either bc they have never experienced cunnilingus before or have only experienced mediocre cunnilingus. If you keep asking, and they keep not answering, at some point you have to switch tactics. Instead of, “what do you like?” try, “do you like this?” while…
I propose a radical feminist paramilitary group to go in and cut the balls off each and every one of these motherfuckers ( and Boko Haram, too.) We will also be known as Isis, Egyptian goddess and friend to slaves and the downtrodden. We will have matching embroidered jackets, too.
That’s funny. The boyfriend last night, when Stannis was setting fire to his kid, leans over to me and says “So...we’re rooting for horrible army of monster Zombies now, right?”
Yeah well, Sam could have taken a bit more time to explain to him why Jon was letting the Wildings in. He is a fucking kid, he needs more details. Maybe he could have explained how Job is in the Night’s Watch to protect the real even though the realm beheaded his father and killed his stepmother and 3 brothers and…
Tormund is hot.
Yeah, anyone who thinks it’s out of character isn’t paying attention, though honestly I was surprised that he actually went through with it. I was MORE surprised that it was his cold-ass wife that broke, not him. Also I watched the entire sequence through my fingers, so.
I commented two episodes ago that the whole Stannis /Shireen storyline had an Iphigenia vibe to it.
I have been waiting for this ALL DAY.
Even when Melisandre was lighting the fire to kill Shireen the look on her face was like “wtf am I doing”
after a one-week sabbatical from westeros, i have returned with my many thoughts:
The bad part is I could totally see it being the premise for a Hollywood rom-com. “Meg Ryan thought she was gonna be dead in two years when she promised Tom Hanks a date in five years. Now she’s a survivor who’s finally ready to live, and he’s a hopeless romantic with a heart of gold. Coming to theatres this November,…