Did someone say Waffles?
This. This is my favorite sports gif.
The best is clearly Jags Guy.
Since we’re on the subject, I learned recently that Imperial Rome had tons of (sex-segregated) public toilets and guys used to hang out there and crap together convivially on benches with holes cut out and discuss business, complain about their wives, children, and slaves, or whatever came up. Also, they had public…
Pre School.
Thank you kind stranger.
Hooray! Thanks for providing me with the video I will drunkenly force people to watch when they’re at my house for the next three months!
It is kind of hilarious that he’s one of those poor folks who can’t wink. But jesus, that Rose Leslie wink is far sexier than it has any reason to be.
Omg Jon Snow can’t wink. Look at him squinting at Rose Leslie. I’m dying.
This whole things was beautiful. Also, call me crazy, but, given the operatic magnitude of the show, what if Coldplay were the proper band to write a musical of it? Let’s DO THIS.
Totally agree, the track is pretty but that robotic «ooouuyyuuh» made me not want to let the whole thing just play.
I celebrate his entire catalog.
I feel you :(
I definitely feel for Cate Blanchett, as I’ve got the similar embarrassing problem of identifying at bi but having had no sexual relations with women. :( It makes me feel a little embarrassed, as I’m definitely attracted to women as well as men, but haven’t had a proper relationship with another woman - yet.
I need this dress for when I go live in my hobbit/wood nymph hole in the forest