
So are we going to talk about the bitchy perfection that is that narration? "Christ, you great slut, get your shaggy ass in there. I suppose you think you're above the hours and hours and hours and hours needed to trick people into thinking you're passable? WELL, YOU'RE NOT. Dear GOD, ALL WOMEN ARE NOTHING BUT

Want a special treat that can't be beat? Type 1950s Educational Videos into Youtube

That warm wax facial looked fantastic. I think I would fall asleep.

Hm, I'm reminded a bit of the old MST3K short "Body Care and Grooming"— including the feeling that the girl looked perfectly fine in her "before" state.

That was also an urban legend from the 50s/60s, although the way I heard it, it was a spider. And it MIGHT have laid . . . baby spiders.


I'm sorry, but screw this. I look like I'm wearing no makeup by wearing no makeup. And I LOVE makeup. It's just not always doable, for example, pretty much every weekday as I need to commute to work and still be there prior to 7 am. Do I have perfect skin? No. Do I always feel 100% comfortable when I'm leaving my

Expensive- yes, But, I can always find something of decent quality in their clearance items. Some of my most tried and true work wardrobe is from Lands End and Talbots clearance! And it's not frumpy stuff!

Talbots and Land's End are a great place for workplace basics! They're a bit expensive but they are also of higher quality than many other options.

Eloquii, Modcloth, Talbots, Lands End. Yes, Talbots and Lands End have a reputation for being elderly, but keep an open mind!

Yeah — I finished my BA and was all ready to enter the rewarding, exciting, and definitely-employable world of academia by getting a PhD. Then I sat down with a handful of Professors who all but shook me and said, "GOD NO."

What I got from Office Space was "stop going in but keep getting paid." So that's what I did 12 years ago, and they still pay me. The pay isn't great, but it's not bad for doing whatever the fuck I want to all day.

At the same time, I feel like you're often told that you shouldn't be allowed to like or enjoy a job that isn't prestigious or rewarding or fun. I like my desk job — it's a steady routine, it's a comfortable 9-5, it gives me a living wage, and a lot of great benefits.

I'm the same way, I view all my jobs as basically me being a mercenary. You pay me X number of dollars for me to do Y. There's no emotion, feeling or loyalty beyond the money you give me. The second I leave work, it is out of my head and I'm off to enjoy life. I'm thankfully at a point where my wise investing and

Am I supposed to hump a pound of coffee at the Starbucks interview?

I am glad I'm not the only one. I managed to get myself out of that hole, but for the first two years I hated creating anything because I knew it wasn't going to be "good enough" to my professors and peers.

Art school DESTROYED my love for creating art. I can no longer create art uncritically or at least, use my critical mind for the good of my art. It went from being something that consumed my free time and that I could get lost in to something I dreaded. SAD. A decade later, I'm working in an unrelated field (and

I love to cook. I'm rather good at it. My family has been pushing me to go to culinary school and make a career out of it for over a decade. I always tell them I like cooking far too much to ever make a job out of it. The quickest way to sap all of the joy out of something is to have some jackass telling you how,