
aw thank you! your story is inspiring and oh, kind of my dream (replacing industry w/ academia)

nah - Mass

is it bad that I've gone on a bunch of dates with a guy because I think his two dogs are fantastic? My apt won't allow any pets, and honestly, how the hell do grad students have time to take care of dogs that need walking and, oh a schedule, when our lives are wholly unscheduled.

I'm about to start my second year of a phd and your comment made me almost cry... since I'm in lab right now I've blinked back the tears, but fuck man, that future looks bleak. Plus I'm single, so even attempting to try to date over the past year has been futile.

i sure hope not. she was such a convincing call girl... with a heart of gold!

I watched it when it was on Lifetime (I'm a total lifetime movie junkie) and it was awesomely hilarious

you too! <3 even in the anonymity of the interweb its nice having someone tell you that you're not crazy.

always... ugh - recently i learned that a guy I had a crush on for like a year was in reality a total asshat who disrespected me SO MUCH. my goodness i didn't know what to do, and then i met this guy, and he seemed really nice and really into me... and I think he is, but is just busy. But I don't know if he's really

you're right. plus, he lives really close and we go to the same bus stop and some of the other same places (my town is probably like 5 square miles) so we're bound to run into each other even if he doesn't text. I think what really bums me about this is that I am so sick of guys not being the right one... at this

dude - all my guy friends are in steady long-term relationships. I started just asking one of them to translate what guys i'm dating are texting. sadly they're all out of town this weekend (that one w/ his gf) so I can't ask 'em to translate for me.

what're you researching? I'm the fellow phd student from the states that just stalked...

good idea. i fucken hate playing games though... but i guess its necessary.


Thanks guys... yeah - i definitely vented A LOT on here when i was breaking up with my last bf (who was a total jerkface). basically, i went out w/ this guy a handful of times before he even kissed me, and then after one sleepover... he's become SO hard to read. I can't figure out if he's now just not interested at

eta - sorry - didn't realize i clicked submit. I was going to vent about guys and life and feelings, but decided against it because I dont think any of ya'll would really be interested.

honestly, this isn't something new. Its nothing too complicated, just the leep of faith needed to believe in QM and all its awesomeness. (actually, this whole idea is why I love QM so much!)

thats a great idea! thanks

Thanks! That's exactly what I do have. I miss my old doctor so much because she was so stringent about the injections and I mostly felt fine under her care. I'm going to call the uni health services on Monday and see if there's an actual MD that I can speak to instead of a nurse practitioner.

Have any of you had a medical condition that wasn't being treated correctly? I suffer from a kind of anemia for which I need injections of B12 to treat. The doctor I started seeing upon first coming to grad school at first didn't believe me that I had this anemia. Then when my b12 levels were dangerously low she

I used to work out a lot just so I could eat a lot and not feel guilty. I still sometimes reward a particularly vigorous workout w/ a pizza pie. yum.