
I have nothing of substance to add except that your comment made me chuckle. thanks =)

hmmm - something to think about... although amy shot the little girl so maybe she messed up the timeline?

just finished. wow.

Jezzies, right now in the US, the new season of Doctor Who is premiering, and sadly I have NO access to BBC America! Can someone please tell me where on the interweb I can watch the show?

i was wondering why that was such a thing. I think I started around then too. some of us are hairier than others and as a kid you want to be swimming, but dont want extra hair to show. I really want laser hair removal but can't afford it =( I've resorted to waxing myself at home using Nads. Its relatively

true that - but this guy's talking about M-level. Have you ever met some who really studied there? I remember sitting at tables on M to kill time between classes, catch up with friends, and pretend to study. When I really wanted to get shit done I'd head downstairs to B (my fav) or C. A level was pretty social

the library is the center of the social scene at Hop

yes it is...

@Snowbunny: hugs to you! hopefully being forced to get our of your house will help bring you out of the slump. I notice I fall deeper into depression when I have nothing to do other than sit on the couch, watch tv, and eat unhealthy food.

@champselysees: I might just go superdark again b/c of the random grey "highlights" that I have.

@champselysees: totally. I was obsessed and it looked so natural and good with my skin /eye color. As it grew out/faded I went super dark a la Zooey Deschanel (i'm the worst at spelling) and then that looked really good too. I ended up leaving it at that and now my ends are reddish and the rest is light brown b/c

Looking at LH's hair color makes me want to be a redhead again. But the upkeep is soo much work!

@clarient: its pretty expensive. I needed a lot of work so it was 5900 total. I have some orthodontics coverage on my insurance and a bunch of savings that I'm putting towards it. Honestly I know it'll be worth every penny. I've been reluctant to be photographed for years because of my teeth and I want that

Anyone here do invisilign? I just started a couple of days ago and while the pain went away, its a little weird that I have buttons on eight teeth! four on top and four on the bottom. I thought it was going to be 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom and its so many more than that... At least I only have 15 top aligners

@Stephanie should like a ride in the TARDIS: I'm not saying anything antisemetic. If you know anything about the history of Hollywood, you would know why Jews dominate the landscape. The progressive film industry moved from Germany to America BECAUSE of the Nazi control. The Nazis sought to control the creative

@BitingThrough: so true. I was in Israel recently and at Independence Hall in Tel Aviv a tour guide summed up Jewish history in a great statement. "They tried to kill us all; it didn't work; Lets Eat!"

What I don't understand is how a Jewish producer or director or studio-head could ever employ someone like this?! COME ON PEOPLE, its no secret that there are MANY Jewish people in Hollywood. How could any of them stand to work with such a horrifying personality?!?!?!?!?!

@thebutton19: They burned the dead bodies in ovens - much more effective than needing to dig mass graves. they didnt (at least to my knowledge) burn live bodies in them.

@littleada: its a reference to the holocaust where one man decided to murder all the jews. A technique he used was to gas roomfulls of jews and then burn the bodies in OVENS. The reference is that somehow she, as a jew, dodged the oven. This is not a reference to an oven such that you have in your kitchen.