
BMW and asian... Darn, one away from the trifecta

“If one day speed kills me do not cry press charges because I was smiling.”

I would have guessed he was more of a Tokyo Drift guy...

Ehhh....will it hurt? Sure. But it’s not the death knell these people are claiming. There will still be a broad vast market for petroleum based products. You’d be surprised how many people don’t realize plastic is a petroleum derivative. There will be a consolidation in the oil market, and then a lot of these oil

As soon as there is an electric car on the market that can do 500 mi per charge, carry 5 people plus cargo comfortably, and cost under $35k then it will be clear that electric cars will be the standard from there on out. It make take 15 years, it may take longer, but that car will be the funeral toll of the oil

Meanwhile I’m four years into getting a Petroleum Degree and I entered the major right after the launch of the Model S pretty much.

Ever been to a Buffalo Bills game? Don’t think the South has a lock on dim people.

While I agree in general we should avoid sexist remarks, if these fucking bitches aren’t the definition of bitch then I don’t know what is.

Your assumption that, as an amputee, his life is somehow less fulfilling than yours, is offensive. And indicative of your ablist mindset.

Actually, these two women are bitches. 

This is the correct answer to the problem. My property does not get to determine whether I live or die, not for orphans, not for priests, not for the president.

Different sizes of a similar shape is nothing new for BMW. I don’t know what the fuss is all about.

I still think the new Mustangs are so much better looking. These Camaros are just so fat looking, giant slabs of broad sheet metal. Maybe it’s a Chevy thing, that’s the same thing I hate about Tahoes and Suburbans.

Pretty close for an “obliteration,” but of course, we know how headlines here are written. CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK, $ $ $ $. Nice Gawkerhyperbole.

Yeah, it’s a bunch of stickers.

Before I head to the track each time, I have my three-year-old daughter and six-year-old son paint my car. They spend a hell of a lot longer than 24 minutes on it.

Stay out of our elections. You have PLENTY of problems in the Netherlands. Have you learned to speak Arabic yet? You better be working on it.

More like that first cool, crisp, life giving sip of water after staggering through a barren desert and discovering its lukewarm and tastes faintly of cat piss. Because Corden.

Actually I believe there is an issue with the Police and a stigma to be more hostile towards not only African Americans, but any non-white citizen. However, I don’t believe it to be anything but a minuet percent of Officers that do it to begin with. I also don’t believe in providing anyone with any sort of substantial

And here we go.. more self righteous people seeking money and fame simply for their skin color. I’m all for diversity, quality of life improvements, and genuine acceptance of any and all colors, creeds, and life styles. But i’m really tired of the dregs of society thinking that they’ve been slighted by those who have