
Fox clearly has prostate issues as evidenced by their week stream.

Someone should have punched him in the face! Do you see all those little kids.

Agreed and fucking agreed some more...fantastic game...the driving school had even more realistic physics programmed in...ya know the one with the Porsh Boxster.

Far and away the best NFS game.

Dude that game was the shit when I was younger! I still feel like not a single NFS game as been made on that level. Sure graphics went up but that one was the best - it was only missing the hot-pursuit element.

Does anybody still remember NFS5: Porsche Unleashed? Most of what I know about Porsches comes from that game.

I remember reading Vic Elford’s “High Performance Porsche Driving” book for the first time and being surprised to learn how much rally history the classic 911s had. So many people think of Porsches as pretty, expensive fashion statements to be babied and washed with a clother diaper. Those classics were seriously

The 1075 is a thirsty beast compared to the newer, more powerful turbo engines, but I love those side by side blowers.

Honestly I’m really curious. Adam Carolla isn’t really what I would consider a monster Hollywood talent. Not dogging him in any way, because I do find him funny. I just don’t get how he can afford a collect like this, let alone his other cars.

Leno I get - tonight show money
Seinfeld I get - Seinfeld money (dur)


All being replaced by this.

Small cars are supposed to be cheap. If they can’t make them cheap then they won’t be competitive.

They’re going to hire Eddie Braun to head up their Mexican distribution operation…

This reminds me if those tiger LCD games with the cars and lanes

It’s not the performance that is idolized, it’s the experience.