
People Eating Tasty Animals

Do they have PETA in Canada?

Ooooooh wait until PETA sees this they're gonna shit themselves

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How in the WORLD did The Transporter 2 not make it in to this?!

No matter almost what Chevrolet does the Volt is not going to sell, #1 reason the interior configuration flat out Sucks. A 2+2 configuration was a fail from the start, because families who buy sedans do not want to not have a full bench seat back there. Besides the fact that a Mustang's rear seat probably has more

The first Transporter had some great car chases. Transporter 2, however...? The acting in Spanish telenovelas is more believable than anything that happened in that Audi commercial.

Hey, that's worst case ATTEMPTED vehicular manslaughter or vehicular assault. Hopefully the courts would side with me on grounds of self defense, seeing as I don't have a record of altercations with people.

Guy gets out of his car brandishing a weapon capable of ending a human life, and walks straight to the drivers door. Yup, I'd say that qualifies as demonstrating intent to harm.

My bet is a joint venture in fuel-cell technology.

It's not necessarily murder if he has a weapon and has already threatened you with it. It could easily be self- defense (check local laws).

Maybe they should give Tesla a call. That would be a statement.

The big problem here was that there were people operating the vehicle who had no business driving. You should not be behind the wheel of a vehicle you don't know how to control, let alone doing so when you lack common sense.

Really time for license endorsements for vehicles of this size, specifically to help keep nitwits like this from creating more damage than necessary. It'd be better for all of us if she was in an Aveo or a Yaris. Idiots in large tall heavy vehicles are a scourge.

If you are uncomfortable at the wheel, stop the f'ing car. She's passing two solid white lines per second, ish, and using the 10ft/30ft measurement (10ft line, 30ft gap), she's doing 80 feet per second, or about 54mph.

Take this fucking retard's license and get her ass off the road. "Turn on your lights... I don't know how" Seriously. W T F. "Awwww fuuuuck meee... Wur on fahr wur on fahr" I've never heard something so stupid.

"...turn your headlights on"

You should state the "typically equipped" prices and not just the base prices. These cars without the premium package, heated seats, and a couple of other options are very rare. You can expect to pay about $45-$47k for a 428i and about $50-$52k for a 435i. You're welcome.

Neither the 3 or 4 thank you very much. Additional size and weight is getting out of control - so i'll do the sensible thing and wait for a 2015 2 Series. That new 2 is gonna be about as large as an E46 which is where I draw the line for a midsize coupe.

N- The JD power initial quality study is bunk. The primary purpose is to market it to auto manufacturers for their ad campaigns.

How is Toyota not on this list? They should be #1.