what no Italdesign GS300 in this photo?
what no Italdesign GS300 in this photo?
That and this. But mainly the latter increased its popularly and spotlight on it imo. People who knew about the car before that movie was slim and prices were falling on them before it. If the movie can out a few years earlier Toyota might have been able to continue to sell that gen here instead of in just Japan…
wow its pretty easy that its a 92-95 Honda Civic Coupe. Amazing detective work by this police department lol. The car probably has been repainted, dumped, or wrecked at this point. It’s been a year and the car is in its 20's not in the best of shape on the video. They could have narrowed it down at least a year ago…
The camera is distorded and the license plate lights on the make the plate area look bigger. But its for sure a 92-95 Honda Civic EX coupe. The license plate lights on the side are a give away, along with the way the rear seats are shaped. The way the amber is with the backup lights is also a dead give away its a…
Yup it is, the design language is definitely there. The front, front fenders, the wide rear end and the way the angle ends is all there. Even the wheels are basically the same ones that came on the car when it came out. Basically was the original idea that got tweaked further in the 2005 concept that was tweaked…
Priorities. Has a donut on the front right of the Maxima which is a FWD car. Instead of getting the tire fixed goes to the carwash. Beyond the fact the car clearly has mechanical or electrical issues for sometime, since the lady knows how to get the thing restarted. Note: A clean POS is still a POS.
and an 10 year old design at that. Double the life of the original Challenger. By the time (2019) if it gets redesigned the Mustang and Camaro will have have had 3 Design changes in the same time period. All in a platform dating back to all most 20 year Mercedes components.
I thought it was the Si wheels on a Automatic non Si Civic.
Where these cars are shipped over from by the insurance companies after being sold. A few of the cars he worked on had US dealer tags and dealer plates
Agree. Google streetview is your friend. Guy had an oversized regular height trailer that could fit on the side of his garage. No one bitched about it then for what I have. Guy buys oversized 2 story trailer that is taller then his garage. I can see why the neighbors are complaining. The guy ultimately has the…
FYI Hawaii is not the 50th State it is the 49th. The 50th is Alaska
glove box
I think the automotive industry as well as the jalopnik has forgot the whole point of an autoshow. An autoshow was about ridiculousness to draw you there in the first place. I can see any car I want for the most part by going to a dealer. An autoshow was suppose to showcase the achievements, new innovations to…
Looks like a knock off Mustang (Vapid Dominator) from GTA that came to life. Styling is a 67 Mustang fastback with different bumpers and lights, Terrible and at 250k is laughable.