
Or, if you wanted to go dark - his gig schedule would be a great way for the aggrieved women and their partners/families to locate Mr Moore...

That girl has a pair of lungs on her. Damn.

What instrument? I don't see anything. Is beat-boxing considered an instrumental accompaniment now?

I am a relentlessly hetero/cis man, but I would jump in that hot tub butt-ass naked if it meant I could talk to those four for an evening.

Right, because people only have lots of sexual partners because they're insecure, not because fucking is fun and pleasurable.

Aye. Confirmation bias writ large.

So many of these conspiracy-minded people have gotten so far down the rabbit hole that they reflexively disbelieve ANY counter-evidence posted, debunkings, etc. They're truly deranged, IMO.

This particular conspiracy theory appealed to a surprisingly broad spectrum of people, kinda like a lot of recent "theories" - 9/11 truthers being one. Similar theories were proposed about the Aurora, CO movie theatre shootings.

It wasn't even that long. I saw that bullshit cropping up within a week after. My rage-o-meter was absolutely fucking pegged for a good month over that shit.

Eh, you might be surprised. I wholeheartedly agree that the lion's share of blame belongs to the cheating spouse, and that the main focus shouldn't be on the homewrecker, but circumstances obviously vary.

I don't disagree with this, but the fact is that the so-called "homewrecker" should also not be participating in the extramarital fucking.

But I think I can still share in the sorrow of another human being while being critical of the context and the framing that experience is presented in. Oh wait, I know I can because I'm doing it right now!

It's a story told by someone who happens to have access to the avenues of publishing. Yes, it's unfair that she has that gate open to her,

In the Washington Post, Keli Goff suggests that colleges should be held liable when any of their students are sexually assaulted after binge drinking.

It isn't going to make a whit of difference in the obnoxious content of comments.

That sucks. Sorry about your pooch.

BTW, Corgis rule.

Obviously you've never smelled a good Islay Scotch whisky. Smells like a campfire on the beach. That said, I *would* buy a mouthwash with that bouquet.

Dammit. it's just noon here, and now I need a drink or six after reading that. How am I supposed to go to work this afternoon smelling like Scotch?

Mostly what you're paying for is the "higher-end restaurant" part of the transaction.