
The "penis-explosion" was a bit of obvious hyperbole.

The point is that your alleged penis-explosion effect is *exceedingly* rare. The negative side effects of your comparison drug, heroin, are much more common.

Every medication has possible side effects. From everything I've read on the subject, priapism as a result of use of Viagra/Cialis/etc is quite rare.

- I went for it quite some time ago. Worked just fine. Rock-hard erections, increased stamina, happy wife.

This is just silly. Lots of men who don't "need" it use it. Bluntly, unless a guy overdoses or abuses it, the stuff just makes his penis very very hard, and in some men delays ejaculation.

Yes. Not Viagra, but generic sildenafil from India. A pill splitter was quite useful in getting to a lower dose.

No rent? That don't confront me.

Is whiskey an acceptable alternative?

Thank you. The entire practice reeks of mawkish narcissism, regardless of who does it.

So you're saying she's like a living, not-evil, African-American version of Dorian Gray?

I can only hope they let it dry out into a Frisbee-like disc, then skipped it out into the ocean.

Then you should know better than to make unsubstantiated complaints.

I'm not a fan. But I am basically stuck watching it because it's popular with other members of my household. As such, I've seen a ton of episodes. At a rate of two a day (6A-8A Central on TNT), I've actually (painfully) seen most of the series.

Not buying it, sorry.

Why on earth would you say that?

AIUI, the freezing is far less taxing that the actual extraction of the eggs.

Someone needs to make a meme out of that GIF, stat.

Yes, I kin reed jes fine, thanx.