In keeping with the theme, make mine mulligatawny.
In keeping with the theme, make mine mulligatawny.
I LOLed at the personal pizza joke.
Sorry if I came off a bit snarky - I mistook your post as being a bit accusatory, as statements like "Why aren't [$PEOPLE] represented in the media?" often tend to be. I see now that it was a genuine, unloaded question. Apologies for the error.
As far as I can find, South Asians of all nationalities (but mostly Indians) make up slightly more than 1% of the US population.
All's I can say is you need to watch more American media, as you seem to be suffering from sampling error.
Specifically, I think the logical fallacy he's driving at is probably a false dichotomy, aka black-and-white thinking.
From what we've been told, it's impossible to know if he did anything chargeable.
I find this whole thing quite weird.
Your cat is adorable and fuzzy. I would love him and pet him and call him George.
If it makes you feel better at all, the readership of the rebranded creepshots forum is evidently quite low.
All this does is make me miss Phil Donahue.
But I also don't know very many men (this day in age) who can do all the things you just suggested themselves.
You know, I've known more than a couple people who'd been raped in my life.
Yes, thus the phrase:
Also, keep in mind the victim pulling a gun and killing anyone in this situation means certain jail time, possible murder/attempted murder charges, etc.
Jesus the Soviets always have to be the bad guys to you.
There were no arms-control or verification treaties in place in 1961. The Soviets might not've had any idea how many Polarises were in service, but they certainly knew we were making and deploying them.
Calling them obsolete is silly.
To be clear, the Jupiter missiles in Turkey were based there under an agreement made in 1959, before JFK was President. Funnily enough, they were actually obsolete by the time they were installed there.
but most fallout can be dealt with by not breathing the shit, and taking a shower if exposed.