I dunno. I've seen more than a couple vulvae in my day, of a fair number of ethnicities.
I dunno. I've seen more than a couple vulvae in my day, of a fair number of ethnicities.
I was given to understand that privilege (at least originally) is meant to refer to unearned advantages conferred by things the recipient can't change - race, age, gender, etc.
I totally agree that vulvas are not dirty, should not be treated as such, and shouldn't be treated as some weird Super Seekrit Mystery.
You must've went to the same driving school as this guy:
...a love there is no cure for?
It might be helpful if you thought of Reddit as a large city. There are shitty, stupid, dangerous areas and nice, decent, helpful, intelligent areas, with commensurate inhabitants.
For a lot of guys, the fear is that a woman isn't having orgasms because of something he's doing (or not doing). It might seem silly, but there it is.
I have one friend who never wants to commit to any plans.
We throw a Halloween party every year, and typically have quite a few people show up - coworkers, friends, family members of like age and drinking habits.
Watching the Jesse and The Rippers video, I just realized: SAM KINISON IS ALIVE!
I use Dr Bronner's peppermint soap as a bodywash. One day not so long ago I commented to Missus Whiplash that it worked wonderfully well (because it does). She proceeded to use it on her lady bits whilst taking a shower.
My grandmother and great-aunts would pin their necks under a broomstick, grab hold of their feet, and PULL.
Bad, sad news: If you use the word "curated" as a trendy word meaning "collected," you deserve to be kicked in the junk.
Missus Whiplash works for a fertility doc. I'm inclined to trust her word on things pregnancy-related - not just because of her specialty, but because she's one of the smartest, best docs I've ever met, like ever.
If it makes you feel better, there are some realtors who absolutely fucking loathe over-HDR'ed photos too. Some listings actually look like some drunk tried to paint a picture of a house in the style of Thomas Kinkade.
You had me at "homemade Sriracha."
Fried fish tacos are THE SHIT. Trust. You will not be disappointed, dude.
I have eliminated tomatoes from my diet.
I always thought that this song spent entirely too much time talking about "pain" and "chains" to just be a "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" message.
I think Patton Oswalt covered this one best: