
NB: The Omaha paper is called the "World-Herald."

Did you try lining the bottom with a couple squares of TP before making your deposit?

Right, because that's exactly what the OP said.

This is the essence of the mandatory-ultrasound/waiting period push.

Missus Whiplash bought me a nice watch, engraved with a lovely message on back. Though it hasn't worked for quite some time, I still have it.

Your comment is intelligent, considerate, and if what I've seen of hockey parents is a guide, utterly disqualifies you from being a hockey parent yourself.

All's I wanna know is this:

Given the amount of fur that our rabbits shed all over the fucking place (shit is airborne constantly), and the sheer fuzziness of this bunny, I'm going to guess Kitty is going to hork up the Mother, Father, and Extended Family of All Furballs soon.

Yes. I had a cousin who played football in high school, and as a result *I* knew who had the biggest schlong on the team. I didn't even know the guy, but to this day I remember his name. And that he has a huge dick.

Can I just say that I hate the semantic formation "the breast?" I don't know just...*grates* on me. Why not "your breast?" Is there something wrong with a possessive?

Most people recognize that gun control doesn't equal outlawing guns. Even gun owners.

Problem is, such laws in the US would require the confiscation of guns by the government, which is about as likely to succeed as my wish to look like Hugh Jackman.

To improve our Halloween participation, I instituted a rule at my house last year:

Then change the rules.

I don't have any content to add. I instead post to thank Attila Nagy for not using the word "curate" anywhere in this article to describe the process of preserving old websites.

Now playing

Sweet FSM, that GIF of Franco looks like an outtake from Soundgarden's "Black Hole Sun" video.

Truly he is one of history's greatest monsters.

And the rich wonder why they're hated.

Now playing

Better, yet, really go for the "Holy fuck we really are all gonna die," and watch

I...I think I love you.