It appears the "bird of prey" in Liberty Ross' blog is some sort of vulture.
It appears the "bird of prey" in Liberty Ross' blog is some sort of vulture.
All's I want to know is...why is Soledad giving this inane clacking numbskull any airtime at all? I thought we were done with Ms O'Donnell?
I find the whole business w/ Courtney Stodden quite creepy, and I'm probably going to be flogged for saying this, paraphrase a bit from Dave Chappelle, we need to decide once for all as a society just how old 17 is really. 17 is old enough to do a lot of things - drive a car, be tried as an adult for a…
OTTER: "Why aren't there any fucking clams in these shells?"
Huh. My test is sides. It takes skill to produce good Q. But it takes TALENT to produce a good potato salad or slaw.
Somehow, I imagine that a far more advanced culture coming to Earth isn't going to easily be convinced to convert or "serve" anyone or anything.
Churchill never said it. Even if he had, it stlil doesn't make it correct.
All's I want to know is...every box I've ever built has the motherboard installed vertically. Will this work in a vertical installation?
Meth is a hell of a drug.
Wingsuit or not....BALLS. OF. STEEL.
So you are calling Degrasse-Tyson a liar?
Unless the "gun" is a mortar, it's not going to be quite as fun.
Kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy, innit? They leave because the country's "circling the drain." The country's circling the drain because the wealthy are leaving. They're leaving because...the country's circling the drain.
If I had $5,000,000,000, but as a condition of getting it I had to pay a 15% capital gains tax (which is what Savarin would have had to have paid), I wouldn't miss it. Ever. Neither would you, neither would Savarin.
Oh yeah...that noise when the driver pushes that in-cab button is definitely a Star Trek TNG communicator noise.
There is one - - ONE - - "Christian" comedian I've EVAR seen who could be classed as funny. That's Tim Hawkins.
Guns act at a distance, knives act at close range.
The vast majority of people who carry aren't likely to go out of their way to mention it.
You know, part of me agrees with you. Part of me thinks, "You know, the likelihood of either the government reverting to tyranny or a foreign power invading are pretty damned low."