
I don't think that what you've written is at all unique to men. Lots of women "let themselves go" physically when they're in long-term relationships (and men complaining about it gets short shrift on Jezebel, as it should).

Now playing

I would refer your "friend" to Patton Oswalt's treatise on home birth:

As opposed to all those other kids who are molested at school or church, the locker room after their soccer game...? Or at Uncle Johnny's house? They're vulnerable far more because they're kids and young and impressionable and naive, not because of where they are.

That seems to be the MO for the Republican Party these days. Each successive candidate makes you just miss the previous ones more and more. I never thought I'd see the day that I'd say to myself, "You know, Dick Nixon and Ronald Reagan weren't so bad..."

Your jib. I like the cut of it.

Non-violent resistance only really works when one's opponent is at least marginally "civilized," or has some motivation to not respond to non-violence with violence. Both sides have to be playing with the same basic rulebook.

If someone is yelling/screaming violent, evil things and is in close physical proximity, I could and would reasonably conclude they meant me harm, and I would act accordingly (appropriately to the situation, of course). Especially if in other instances those utterances had in fact been a precursor to physical

Or maybe she just lives in the same world the harrassing assholes live in. Does being the "better person" work? Sure, except when it doesn't.

Sure. It could also be dried and turned into a wonderful fertilizer. 'S'what "blood meal" is, basically.

I love the "oversized B-2s" phrase. Clearly written by someone who's never been underneath an actual B-2 as it thundered over. Them sonsabitches are already "oversized."

I use Break-Free CLP, a cleaner/lube/protectant designed for guns. Works quite nicely.

I take the position that the more germs (within reason) you can expose a kid to when they're little, the better off they'll be for it. Strengthens the immune system.

also it is generally just bad form to give children younger than 1 any citrus period

To fuck with their reptilian little monkey brains. Plus, the faces are hilarious. And Vitamin C. And no one gets hurt.

No citrus before 1 year? Why ever not?

Semen allergy is not an unheard-of phenomenon.

Would you let another woman squirt in your face? If you're an exclusively hetero woman, I can guess what your answer would be...

You'll love this - quite ironically, she worked in an osteoporosis research program for some time. And now she works for a reproductive endocrinologist. I gave up a long time ago trying to tell her anything (15 years of marriage will do that to you).


Miz Whiplash just skips the sugar pills in her BC pack. Very occasional breakthrough, but she hasn't had an actual period in...a couple years, I want to say.