
You're my kinda drunk.

Oof...Chianti. Now there's a nasty hangover. Makes tequila look like child's play. Also, tequila doesn't turn yer poo black.

The reports I've seen place the depth of these sites at 3000-6000m. From what I've seen, there ain't a helluva lot down there at those depths.

Well, apparently the RE elements are in the sea-floor mud, rather than in ores. So at least the issue of ore-hauling is obviated. Still have that whole acid-leaching issue to deal with. I don't want that shit in our oceans, that's for sure.

Wasn't that a plot point on Ally McBeal?

BABY! BABY! BABY! BABY! BABY! BABY! BA...ah fuck it.

Agreed. And she can actually DANCE! Unlike POTUS, who, I'm sorry, has no moves.

If you do, PLEASE take video and post online. You will be my hero.

If the current trend continues, I think Miss Eliza is not only going to go to town on middle school, but yank a knot in life's ass. I sincerely hope that her mom read that missive and thought "Damn, I must be doing *something* right..."

That was...magnificent. And fucking hilarious. Wish I had an "eatin' dress."

Thank goodness for small favors. I was starting to think Alabama needed to be nuked from orbit or something.

@Jon Lancaster: Good god...and all these years I thought I was the only person to do this...

@Audaxero: "agreed, the double taxation aspect always seemed deeply unfair; 40% of your already taxed assets to contribute (in the UK) only 0.8% to the government's income..."

@ajw827: Objectivity is not necessarily a requirement for reporting of events or releasing of information to be "journalism."

@GizmoTron9000: Your comments demonstrate why treason has such a bright-line definition within the Constitution.

@neergrm: Odd. Vim doesn't bother me, but vigor - that is terrifying.

@TheOtherHalf: Aye. Yellowjackets in particular are total assholes.

@anonymous-C: Okay, I'm clueless. What's the problem with it?

Huh? I've never heard the "scary+adjective" construct used as a female-specific term, either complimentary or derogatory. There are a lot of phrases that are used that way, but this ain't one of them.