
@drum365: The *really* stupid thing about TSA's alleged protection of the airlines is that one bomb, or several bombs, sent via air mail, could bring down an airliner or ten, kill hundreds, and bring air travel to a screeching halt.

@MrTripps: I always thought this photo was more illuminative of what the bombing(s) were about, and has far more of that "Holy shit" quality:

@Hotpants McGee: We were similarly fart-challenged until we had a couple kids. Seeing someone give birth, then raising said offspring, has basically destroyed any bodily-function anxiety between us.

@LongBoarderLC: Mrs Whiplash has cut loose once or twice while I was, uh, fully inserted. It's a peculiar sensation to say the least...

@Susan B.: Interesting. Is it good?

@la.donna.pietra: Benedictine is a smooth, sweet herbal liqueur. Pretty nice stuff straight in small quantity, or with brandy (called a B&B).

@muddgirl: Smart of ye. I stupidly burned my left hand w/ fireworks a few years back and somehow had the presence of mind to remove my wedding band before my fingers started to swell. Now I take it off when blowing shit up.

@MorboKat: If tungsten carbide like they use in jewelry is anything like the kind used in tools and saw blades, I can see that - hard, takes a great edge, but brittle.

@Chip Skylark of Space: The hypothesis put forth on the originating page is that the deformation of the rails is due to them being compressed lengthwise, rather than shifted crosswise. Hope that makes sense.

@kl0an: "million dollar dump?" Might be because I'm caffeine-deprived, but the meaning eludes me. Care to elaborate?

Books don't require power at all. It's amazing.

@moonkitten: No. The calculus goes like this: If you're fucking around, and you're both married, it's a lot less likely to blow up in your face.

Shit. Let me try that again...

@herbie: You should be scared of them. They are not to be fucked with. OTOH, I do get a sort of dark amusement when they choose a richly deserving target. I'm also quite impressed by their resourcefulness, in a perverse way.

@SynthOno: Thank you. Cows are assholes, just below roosters and billy goats.

@Chest_LaVie: How in the cerulean FUCK did you DIY a MRSA infection?

@lindamller: Okay, you can't just leave it at that. Spill!