
The fine line between putting your best foot forward and putting your imaginary foot forward.

Images that might "frighten, intimidate or cause emotional distress"? I'm guess radio will be the only surviving news medium in Tennessee.

Low resolution and frame rate so they can store more data seems a good bet.

We've hung a number of doodads on the porch. Fired a couple shots over the fence. Sent a couple robots to scope out the neighbor's house. We've pitched a puptent on the driveway. And half a dozen times, we've run across the yard and jumped about.

You've confused Kennedy's Moon Race with Reagan's Star Wars.

@Jakob Creutzfeldt: Therefore using a vibrator is like owning slaves and that's why both are illegal in Alabama.

Thus we see how the iPhone's accelerometer can be used to accurately gauge changes in direction, speed, and kinetic energy.

Did they also provide a DNA sample?

I bet Stephen Baxter is thrilled.

She could distract herself by calling her doctor to discuss anti-anxiety medications.

Looks like fantastic fun! But my head would probably explode trying to overcome the urge to spit.

Grumble, grumble. Of course I rather firmly believe Classic Gawker should be for PCs and NuGawker for mobile devices, and the back end should drive both seamlessly. Which it comes fairly close to doing, actually. But as there has been no commitment to the classic format, I fear it will only last until the day

"we'll be able to launch our new mobile and iPad versions of the site in the very near future"

I thought that was just for the quicky "get married during an overnight business trip so I can't really be cheating on wive #1 since I'm with wive #2, but I'll divorce her in the morning" thing.

Ja-lyn is what you get after crime-in'.