
Hail to the Chief.

How odd. Couple weeks ago, I bought a string of LEDs, about twenty feet worth on a narrow tape like strip, that had the same controller with the same functions.

How odd. Couple weeks ago, I bought a string of LEDs, about twenty feet worth on a narrow tape like strip, that had

Well I meant to say “to an SD card” instead of “to and SD card” but if you need the word “card” to realize an SD slot is the same thing as an SD card slot then shouldn’t you be doing something far more nit-picky than reading about up coming game consoles?

Needs two things. An SD slot and an accessory device that can copy cartridges to and SD card.

Because there’s no point in having a contested convention if there’s not a sane candidate left in the building.

Nothing but a cheesy move to limit the likelihood of anyone trying to get Harrison Ford to return for another movie, though it could still be easily done either as flashbacks, spirit encounters a la dead Ben Kenobi and Yoda, or perhaps a whole Han Solo clone army.

I want to think you’re trying to be absurdly sarcastic but, on the other hand I’ve heard others talk much the same while giving the impression they are quite sincere. Add in that you’re a Jezebel writer on a rant and all bets are off; there’s just no way to tell.

Snoke is actually Professor Snape who discovered a dimension traveling spell. The trip altered Snape a bit and removed his hair. The name change is a simple product of his new form’s difficulty in producing the labial fricative.

Are you sure there’s any connection between the time travel stuff and the plague release? While the movie’s got a number of interesting bits, It never really seemed to hang together as a whole.

Did they test the drug and the placebo against a quality lube and extra cuddling and otherwise extended foreplay? Versus $900 a month and a 10% over placebo working effect, it sounds like a good bet.

Season 6 focuses on the royal furniture makers and the wacky shenanigans they went thru to get the floor tilted to match the lopsided chair that couldn’t be rebuilt.

Gaia begs to disagree.

JarJar Binks leads a mission back through time to rescue Alderaan. In the course of successfully unsnuffing millions of voices crying out in terror, he pratfalls his way into splitting the time stream and recombining two different realities wherein we have the young hero Anakin as well as Vader. Vader is tossed far

What’s in the future at the intersection of Growing Gun Sales and Racial Tensions?

That was probably just another machination of Kris Jenner also.

Rob Kardashian will not be happy until he fulfills Kris Jenner’s dream of growing up to be a strong beautiful woman, just like his dad.

One of these suits is not like the others, One of these suits just doesn't belong. Can you tell which suit is not like the others, And who the astronaut pissed off to get it wrong?

Off on a tangent, how does it reflect upon the Republic and the Jedis that they would pay for a clone army to be built? One would have to assume that the clones are programmed slaves as they are living sentient beings born and raised to be an army. Yet the "evil" Empire replies on soulless robots.

If you want to free up more land for food, roll back some of the quotas for ethanol corn.

I recall reading, way back in the early 1980's, that Florida, at one point, changed their agriculture production reports to create a new category called "All Citrus" in an effort to keep marijuana from being the state's top cash crop.