I’m truly enjoying your oversensitivity to being hated as a Pats fan. It only makes it easier to judge you. Its a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I’m truly enjoying your oversensitivity to being hated as a Pats fan. It only makes it easier to judge you. Its a self-fulfilling prophecy.
If you’re in a sellers’ market, tough. Perhaps it’s not one you want to be in. So you debase yourself for bread, or change occupation. But know at all points what your worth is, and know that you’re pricing yourself below it.
Only in Canada does getting your money’s worth mean a loony exchange with an official.
That’s easy. Pirates wear those funny hats, have Parrots on their shoulders and at least one peg-leg. I’m sure there’s some visual recognition algorithm that could deal with that.
There are fan sites devoted to the many hilarious deaths of Roger Wilco.
I never got into KQ much, but adored the first Space Quest (or more accurately, trying to guess the proper typed verbage for the cartridge machine before the space station blew up - much gnashing of teeth there).
I can’t believe they would steal from a guy who created completely unique and original idea of a bunch of robots with crazy personalities, a man trapped alone in a library, themes of AI, noire detective elements........
I had no idea Ferrari made trucks.
No. I mean their description is wrong.. both on Amazon and here.
No. I mean their description is wrong.. both on Amazon and here.
You clearly have no children, nor live in anything resembling a neighborhood. I suspect few people share your view.
it’s constantly shifting up and down in tiny increments.
So did you go with pine or new car smell?
It feels odd to me that after decades of trying to impress into the mainstream that it is not ok to associate a professional woman’s accomplishments with her looks that the implication is somehow ok in this context.
Wish I had my own hype-person following me around. This beats having Terminator Preston Garvey following you around trying to kill you 24/7 though.
I’ve got nearly 300 hours into The Witcher 3, and I’ve played about 5 or 6 rounds of Gwent. Don’t see the appeal. Doesn’t help that you have to play for about 60 hours before you have a decent deck, from what I hear.
Gwent sucks. It has nothing to do in the witcher 3....why would peasants play this nerdy game???