Could have been an alien pod man, it happens!
When the stakes are high, the concept of overreaction barely exists at all.
no doubt. But IMO they are the 4th best team, which is pretty disappointing for them. They are light years apart right now.
“Feminism - cuz we want to burn down the world just like men do, yet with a vague feeling of moral superiority”.
Who could she sell her common stock to? They aren’t a publicly listed company.
I can’t get over how gorgeous the area is. The vibrant colors make everything stand out. It’s not really a complaint or something that bothered me, but running/riding around in the Velen/Novigrad areas you could kind of get tunnel vision, especially in wooded areas. Skellige didn’t suffer as much from that because it…
If Mike Francesa were an ice cream flavor he’d be pralines and dick.
I’m a recovering food snob.... does store-bought cake mix really count as only 1 “ingredient”?
Well, you have enough self awareness to question these things. Whereas David Brooks writes an article about why Hillary Clinton is not likable without mentioning the possibility that being a woman might be part of it—even if only from certain circles—and concludes with the idea that she just needs to find a hobby.…
Perhaps it’s because America doesn’t give a shit that she’s a woman? There’s that possibility.
So if she’s disliked simply because she’s a woman, then how can you have any honest discussion about the numerous reasons she shouldn’t be President? At the end of the day, you can dismiss all arguments as “Well of course they’d say that, she’s a woman”. It can’t possibly be because of her handling of this email…
Who cares about a goalie’s feelings when your job is to get the puck in the net and it worked?
Long after the majority of cars on the road have adopted keyless locks, people will still be copying and pasting this and calling it wisdom.
It’s like good sex but with a “p”?
I’ve been a poor single working parent and an upper class married working parent, and imo upper class white married parents who are miserable are full of bullshit. On a daily basis, the worst thing parenting is 99% of the time is tedious. And yes at times it’s exhausting. But my kids were also fun and entertaining.…
I agree again. I have tried this and it doesnt work because the hot glue is so much thicker - and i used the high temperature setting!
This is easily my biggest problem. My process has always been all three wrapped up into one. It’s hard for me to separate them sometimes. I can’t tell you how many times an editor has asked for an outline and I turn in a finished draft instead because I have a hard time separating the two processes. It’s good to have…