
I mean, your original post ignores (willfully, I suspect) a staggering amount of necessary context and understanding to make the point that all of these articles are “spin-pieces”. What you ignored/did not address/or implicitly assumed


I fail to see the struggle tbh. Why is it either or? She can be courageous for confronting her breakdowns and also (at least) thoughtless for leaving her parents in the dark and wasting taxpayers’ money.

Your’s is even better, tbh

I believe the correct jargon used by the kids these days is, “yeet”

Trademark law you mean?

Translation: “I meant it as a dig, but since you’re mad I was joking!”

It’s a legit question, but I also don’t think it’s all that inscrutable. The answer is: Ernie Grunfeld.

Wait, did you sneeze and accidentally add a period at the end of that? Because I (like any rational, thinking human) expected it to end like this:

Me too. It sucks to learn the hard way, but at least it was sufficient motivation to be better prepared...

Yes, I think that’s definitely the right approach for NAS. But if you’re going with NAS, you need to have an understanding of the latency/resiliency trade-off. I wanted resiliency but didn’t have the cash to buy/maintain 3+ drives. So my specific issue was with mirroring, which is butt slow. It’s better now,

A note about backing up:

“but it’s very standard to...”

This isn’t rec league. The coach would be excoriated if she didn’t bring in Lloyd, because in this sport, every minute on the international and tournament stage is considered an opportunity to get better and prepare for the next opponent, which is why every member of the commentator panel (that played the sport)

That’s a lot of words to say, “they qualified for the tournament,” but at least we agree.

Nevertheless, it makes no sense for them to take their foot off the gas. Doing so treats Thailand as though they are inconsequential (disrespectful) and screws with the USWNT rhythm, intensity, and momentum.

I get to sleep with the Librarian.  Although she is getting tired of me singing “Madame Librarian” every time I come by...

Rust would be one item.  I’m currently wrestling with a sticky door lock--it works manually, but sticks when I use the remote.  Pretty sure I’m just going to skip replacement of that until I can’t lock the door.

That’s awesome! Mine wasn’t monogrammed (not complaining) but that makes your gift very extra.

That’s awesome! Mine wasn’t monogrammed (not complaining) but that makes your gift very extra.